Nothing Ch. 25

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5 more chapters left.... Semi import and A/N at the end so read it!


Ariana's POV

I woke up feeling cold and...strange. I can't describe the feeling but it was rather odd. The cold feeling calmed me down. It made me feel safe.

Wait a minute.

Cold...what does that remind me of?


Tate is cold. But it can't be Tate.

"Tate." I whispered and felt shuffling next to me. Tate! My eyes shot open and right in front of me was a peaceful, sleeping vampire. I smiled at him but it quickly faded. Something happened between us. I feel strange. Suddenly, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

We aren't together anymore.

I jumped off of him and fell onto the floor.

"Ariana?" He sleepily said, why is he with me and not Casey? I slowly got up and saw Tate giving me a confused look. How did I get up here? What happened last night?

'C'mon, Tate! Say something to her!' The voice was as clear as day but no one said a word. What's happening to me? Am I going crazy?! He slowly got up without breaking the eye contact. He was in boxers and I looked at what I was wearing.

Did we have sex?!

"No Ariana, we almost had to but no." He slowly said.

"What do you mean almost? Why are you in my room? What was that voice? Why do I feel strange?" I bombarded him with questions and he was by my side in a heart beat.

"Do you remember anything that happened last night?" He asked while placing his hands on my shoulders.

"N-No, what happened?" I asked, he nodded at nothing then picked up his clothes and started putting them on.

"Nothing." He bluntly said.

"Bullshit! I wake up to see you in my bed, I heard a random voice, and I don't remember anything that happened after I went downstairs to get chips!" I yelled but he only huffed.

"Nothing happened, leave it at that!" He growled and left the room. Leaving me with even more un-answered questions. I quickly put on a white cami and running shorts then walked out the door.

I went into the kitchen to see everyone eating. Dorian stopped what he was doing and stared at me, a scowl making it's way onto his face. He looked at Ryder then back at me.

"Dorian, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I have to go, I can't be here any longer." He stated and got up, walking towards the door. I ran after him and grabbed his arm, only for him to rip it away from me.

"Dorian, please." He turned around, his eyes were pitch black and filled with hatred.

"I actually started to like you, now this? You crawl back to him just so then he could do this to you? I thought you were better than this." And with that, he left. What did I do to deserve this? First Tate now him? Anger flooded through me and my throat just got dryer and dryer.

"Ari, are you ok?" I spun around to see Ana a few feet away from me. An amazing smell hit my nose, it was coming from her. I wanted it. I needed it. I heard a thumping sound that was increasing, it sounded amazing.

"Ana, Victor, leave. Now." Ryder ordered them and they left. What's wrong with me? Ryder went to the fridge and pulled something red out and ran to me.

"Drink this, it'll make the dryness feel better." He said and handed me a red liquid, how did he know?

"I've been down that road before, drink." What road? I didn't hesitate to drink it all, it tasted amazing. The dryness went away and he smiled.

"What is this stuff?" I asked when my voice came back.

"Uh...blood?" I froze and dropped the glass. Blood? Why did he give me blood? Why did it taste good? I don't remember it tasting good at all!

"What the hell Ryder!" I yelled at him, he winced at my tone and sighed.

"Something happened last night." He whispered.

"What happened? Everyone here seems to know but me!" I yelled, he took in a deep breath and sighed.

"Well, you went to get some snacks, fell and hit your head. So Tate found you, hedidthefirstprocessinturningyouintoavampire. And we're here now." He said that last part so fast I could barely hear it. But I did.

"He did what!" I yelled in anger.

"You were going to die-" I didn't even let him finish, I stormed up the stairs, fasted that I usually would and went to his room, opening it. What I saw was shocking. Casey was straddling over his hips. Naked.

I could care less. I wanted him dead. I stormed in and Casey looked at me with wide eyes.

"Hey get out-" I yanked her off of him and grabbed his arm, pulling him downstairs and into the kitchen. Again, I could really care less is he was naked. Soon, it was the three of us. Ryder had an amused look on his face.

"Why did you do it and why did you let him?!" I yelled at the both of them.

"You were badly hurt-"

"You could have take me to a hospital!" I boomed, cutting off Ryder.

"I couldn't do that." Tate whispered, I turned to him and rolled my eyes.

"Oh really? Why the hell not?" I asked.

"Because you would have died by the time we got to the hospital." He said a little more louder.

"Why do you care?" I sneered.

"I care because...well...I love you."


I like this one better than the last. Ok to the semi important stuff. In the beginning, the older brothers name was Ryland, I made a book where a character was Ryder and since they both start with Ry, I got confused. They are the same person and I'll edit the story once I'm done with it so it's just Ryland or Ryder.

Omg 5 more chapters until it's finished! *tear slides down hot cheek and sizzles* I'm already thinking about sequel ideas but I don't know which one is best, on the last chap I'll tell you my ideas and you can choose. I'll then make another chap for the intro to the new book and it will be amaze balls!!!

Read and shit❥

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