Prince Jackass Ch. 3

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Ariana's POV

"Prince Kris." My eyes grew wide with horror. The things he did to me are unspeakable and horrible, I can't talk to him but I have to. Tate looked at me with a hint of worry and anger like he knew what he did without me even telling him.

"Where is he?" I reluctantly asked.

"He's in the Ball Room." She smiled while pointing to the huge doors.

"Thank you, Jessica." I mumbled and she walked off. I nearly fell onto the ground but Tate caught me and held me up.

"Are you alright?" He asked while sitting me down on a nearby chair.

"Nope." I groaned while leaning on the island.

"What did he do to you?" He angrily asked.

"Unspeakable things." He crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"I know, you have loud thoughts." He scoffed and I shot up.

"You've been reading my mind this entire time?" I asked and he nodded.

"Are you going to talk to him?" He asked.

"Yeah, can you come with me?" He rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"Yeah, sure." He said while helping me up. Does he still hate me, wait I should watch my own thoughts so he doesn't know what I'm thinking. I heard him chuckle and I shot him a glare.

"I can only read the minds that I want to read. I could turn it off but I rather learn your dirty little secrets." Yup, still hate. I waked over to the Ball Room doors and stood there, frozen with fear.

"Come on, I'll be by your side." He was growing impatient, if only he knew. I held onto his arm then I slowly opened the doors and in the middle of the room was Kris talking to another guy who I sorta know. He glanced my way and then quickly turned his head to face me. I gripped into Tate's arm harder and was still frozen.

Kris looked at me with regret then shot a loot at Tate and walked over here. I walked behind Tate a little and he scoffed.

"I'm not going to be something that you hide behind. Don't hold me so tight either." He coldly said, I went to the side of him and loosened my grip. Kris was in front of us and I tried my hardest not to look at him.

"Ari, you look so beautiful tonight." He complimented.

"Don't call me Ari." I shot at him and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Why not, love?" He asked and walked closer to me.

"Don't call me that either. What the hell do you want?" I looked in his eyes and saw rage but his overall expression was calm.

"I want you back." He was trying to act sad but his eyes said something different.

"You're funny if you think I'm going to get back together with you." I spat out like venom and he flinched.

"Why not? I don't know what went wrong." He put his hand over his heart and had an even sadder look.

"You know what went wrong." I yell/whispered while letting go of Tate and walking closer to Kris.

"I don't, whatever I did do I'll change that. I love you." He smiled and he trailed his finger across the side of my face, I quickly slapped his hand away from me and he looked shocked.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me after what you did!" I yelled, some heads were turning and I glared at them, making them quickly turn away.

"Darling, please-" He was cut off by me putting a finger to his lips.

"Shut the hell up. You don't love me, if you did you wouldn't have done the things you've done. I'm surprised you're not in prison right now." I angrily said, his eyes held rage and he quickly grabbed my wrist and leaned in close.

"I tried to be nice and calm but your really pushing my buttons." He angrily whispered.

"You can never be nice. Inside and out you're just evil." I spat out like venom. I felt a cold hand wrap around my other wrist and pull me away, causing Kris to let go of the other.

I looked up and saw Tate trying to control his anger.

"And who is this?" Kris asked while folding his arms.

"He's none of your damn business." I snapped while trying to walk towards him but Tate pulled me back.

"He is my business if he's trying to take what's mine." Kris growled while shooting daggers at Tate.

"I am not yours, I was never truly yours!" I yelled at him. He raised his hand up but put it back down.

"You are not going to hurt me again." I said through gritted teeth and he sighed.

"I never wanted to hurt you." Kris lowly said.

"That's a fucking lie." Tears were falling down my face from the memories of him torturing me.

"Ari-" I put a finger in front of Kris, cutting him off.

"You beat me to the point of me wanting do kill myself, you completely broke me. You would beat me while you slept with other women." I cried, Kris' facial expression dropped and he was a lost of words.

"Nothing you can say would ever make me forgive you or take you back." More tears were falling down my cheeks but I wiped them away.

"Ari, I love you." He sadly said.

"You're a pathetic coward!" I yelled at him, I shook my arm out of Tate's grip and quickly walked away from them and out the ball room doors. I looked around at the people flooding in from the front door and ran upstairs. People were calling my name but I ignored their calls and ran to my room and locked the door.

I broke down in tears and slid onto the floor. I'm broken. Who invited him, why is he here? My back was against the door and I heard three knocks. I silenced my cries and the knocking continue.

"Let me in." I heard Tate say. I continued to stay silent and I heard him sigh.

"Let me in now." He impatiently said. I got up and backed away from the door.

"Now." He was starting to sound more angry, but why? I heard a few clicks and the door swung open. Revealing a pissed off Tate.


Hiya! Sorry I didn't update in a while, I have to get a new iPhone (never get the iPhone 5C) an I'm currently using my iPod.

Read and shit❥

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