Hate You Ch. 4

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Ariana's POV

"Now." He was starting to sound more angry, but why? I heard a few clicks and the door swung open. Revealing a pissed off Tate. He was standing in the door frame with a scowl on his face. I backed away from him but he only came closer.

"Why didn't you open the door when I asked the first time?" Is he really mad over opening the door? I stayed silent and kept on walking backwards until I hit my ass on the damn desk.

"Say something." He angrily said and walked closer to me. When I didn't speak, he sighed and placed his hands on the sides of the desk, trapping me so I couldn't run. He kept his cold stare on me and didn't move.

"Why aren't you talking or thinking?" He asked. The truth is I am thinking, I just don't know what.

"Tell me what he did to you." He commanded while looking down. Why does he care? He hates me anyway. I tried to move his arm away but he didn't budge.

"H-He hit me, alright? P-Please just let me leave." I stuttered, he slowly looked up at me and clenched his jaw.

"C-Can you just let me go to bed, I'm tired and done with today." He nodded and slowly backed away.

"What else did he do to you?" He asked while folding his arms.

"I don't want to talk about it." I whispered while walking towards my bed but he stopped me by placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Tell me." He was growing impatient with me.

"No, please just go to your room." I moved my shoulder so it wasn't in his grip and walked towards my bed and took off my shoes. I looked up and saw him staring at me.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me." He said through his teeth.

"Then I guess your not leaving." I shot at him while sliding off my dress and putting on a tank top with running shorts, his eyes were glued on me the entire time.

"Are you just going to stand there and look at me the entire night?" I asked and he looked down.

"Just tell me, then I'll go." He angrily said.

"In the morning, I'm done with today and I just want to sleep." I rubbed my tired eyes and he finally left the room. I turned off the light and crawled into bed then fe asleep.


I was in a cold basement, alone. I heard heavy footsteps walk down the stairs and swing open the door. It was Kris, he was drunk and angry. He walked towards me and pulled me up by my hair.

"Have you learned yet?" He asked then struck me with the back of his hand.

"Y-Yes." I stuttered while chocking back tears.

"You know, I have a bad feeling that I don't believe you. Not one fucking bit." He spat then threw me on the ground.

"You tried to break up with me more than once, but that failed. You tried to run away, but that failed." He kicked my stomach multiple times then bent down to my level and slapped me.

"Please stop!" I cried out but he only laughed.

"I will never stop until your dead." He began hitting me again and I screamed, I screamed and screamed.

"Wake up, Ariana wake up!" Kris yelled.

"It's just a dream, wake up."

*EnD oF dReAm*

"Ariana wake up!" I was screaming and being shook by cold hands. I opened my eyes and saw a scared and worried Tate. I quickly got up and hugged him, he tightly hugged me back and I cried into his chest.

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