Body Guard Ch. 15

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Ariana's POV

"Someone tried to kill you." He said in all seriousness. I let out a nervous chuckle, he must be shitting me.

"Alright, where's the cameras. I know your trying to scare me now can we go back in? I'm kinda hungry here." His face didn't change, it was still full of seriousness.

"I'm not lying to you, someone poisoned your food. Didn't you hear us talking?" He started the car and sped off, we didn't even pay. How rude.

"Seriously? You almost fucking died and your worried about how you didn't pay for the damn meal." He scoffed.

"They never tried to do this before, I've been coming here for a while now." I shrugged, he ran his fingers through his hair and smacked the wheel.

"Dammit Ariana, if you were with someone else, you would have been dead!" He yelled, his tone made me flinch and he sighed.

"I'm sorry but this is really, really serious. I don't know what I would do if I haven't noticed that. If you died I wouldn't be able to live with myself." He rambled, I placed a hand on his shoulder and he was tense.

"Stop, I'm fine. Thanks to you, let's just get back to the house and tell my dad about it." I reassured him, he bit his lip and looked over at me.

"Your not going anywhere or doing anything without me by your side, got it?" He said, I rolled my eyes.

"I get it but I can't take care of myse-" He punched the steering wheel and looked at me with anger.

"Fuck Ariana, you can't take care of yourself! You could do something that you think is completely normal and be dead the next second. You can't sense trouble like I can, you can't do the things that I do. I may sound like a asshole but you seriously can not do anything without me by your side. Who ever is trying to hurt you won't stop until your dead! Don't you even realize what's happening, or are you too stubborn?" He snapped at me.

I looked at him in shock, he turned back to the road and gripped the steering wheel tightly. Did he seriously mean the things he said? Is that what he really thought of me? Hurt flashed through me but he was right, I can't take care of myself. I'm hopeless. He turned to me and groaned.

"No, Ari, I didn't mean it like-" I placed my hand in front of him to stop him.

"Stop, you did mean it like that. You meant every word. I agree, I can't help myself and I am stubborn. I'm sorry." The car stopped in front of the house, I quickly got out and darted inside the house and up to my room. Tate was screaming my name the entire time but I blocked it out.

He gave me the truth, the hard, cold truth. I had to accept it.

I stood in the middle of my room, staring at nothing. What a damn date. My door slowly opened, I heard someone walk in and close the door. My back was facing him and he walked towards me.

"Ari, I'm sorry. I was just scared and angry that someone would want to do this to you. I care about you a lot and I'm just worried about your safety." He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. I turned around to face him and kissed him.

"Don't be sorry, I just needed to face the truth. So does this mean no more dates?" I asked, he chuckled and shook his head.

"Not until we find out whose doing this" He kissed me and pulled me closer to him.

"But I like food from expensive restaurants." I pouted.

"No more for a while, not even Daniel's food." He playfully narrowed his eyes and kissed me.

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