When life give you lemons.. squeeze them

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1 week later
I look out the window of the car, as we are driving through Rome. "I can't believe you took us to Rome Tom".

"What is it with Rome ?" Vera ask from the front seat, turning her head to smile at me.

I look at Tom. "It's where we first meet, when we both went here for Zac and Dahlia's head over heels wedding".

"We threw a coin in the Trevi fountain together and swore we would come back.. and now we do". Tom say smiling softly.

The stop in Rome had been an extra surprise on the way home.

I look as the car come to a stop. "Oh, you even got the same hotel apartment".

"Oh that is sooo sweet and romantic". Vera gush. "I wish I could find a man who would do that for me".

"I did get the top floor suite this time, the one Zac and Dahlia had". Tom say, offering me his hand to get out the car.

I smile, taking Anele's hand. "Oh great, I am sure Anele will love the hot tub and the view".

I almost break down in giggles seeing Tom's face, it is absolutely priceless. He looks like someone just took his lollipop. "Uh I was thinking she could stay with Vera in the smaller suite, it directly below us and.. arg you are pulling my leg you little tease".

Both me and Vera giggle. I totally get that Tom wanted Anele to come with us, but that he also want some romantic freedom. It is our honeymoon after all.

We install Vera and Anele first, then they both come to see our suite. Anele is so excited by the hot tub that Tom promise she can go swim in it.

After we go out to find a place to eat and for once Anele is a bit .. over excited. I think it is all the new things and a bit of jet lag on top. Tom tries his best to keep her calm.

We get through dinner, mostly because Tom lets her watch youtube videos on his phone, mumbling about what a bad father he is. Then we agree that we better get her home and in bed, so she can be ready for the next day.

"Stop Anele, don't run like that". Tom yell, trying to grab for her as she sprints off. Luckily it's on a small streets with no cars nearby.

She accidentally run into a man, when she turns to look after her daddy, laughing like it's a fun game. The man turns to glare at her. "Watch where you are going".

"Sorry about that, she is a little tired and over excited, this is all new to her". Tom say with a friendly smile, reaching for Anele who has stopped in her tracks.

"Just keep that ape under control if it's not used to being out among people". The man looks at Anele with disgust.

Tom freezes on the spot and I can see how his hand is shaking. "Excuse me ! What did you just call my daughter ?"

"Your daughter ? Hardly, unless her mother is a gorilla". The man laughs crudely.

"Please apologise to my daughter right now". Tom's voice is cold as ice and his eyes shoot daggers.

"Bit me". The man is about to walk away.

I have honestly never seen Tom move that fast. He kicks the legs from under the guy, and at the same time he twists his arm on his back, holding him there. "Okay, let's try again, please apologise to my daughter.. now".

First he doesn't say anything, but then Tom tightens his grip, making the man grunt. "Okay, okay.. Sorry I said that, it was inconsiderate".

"If it wasn't for my daughter being her and having seen more than enough violence in her life I would have kicked Your ass. Now get lost". Tom pushes him away.

The anger is roaring through my body like a wave of burning hot lava. All I want is to knock every tooth from that idiots face. But I can see Anele is already scared and I don't want her to see me as someone violent. Also it could be very bad publicity and some of those crazed fans would surely blame Maddie.

"Are you okay sweetie ?" I squat down in front of Anele and she throws her arms around my neck.

"Why man not like me ?" She mumbles into my shoulder.

My heart is crumbling, she should never have to feel like that, and definitely not because of some idiot. I gently rub her back. "You know what Mwala, that man feels really bad about himself, he hates himself a lot and to try and feel better he moves the hate onto others. It has nothing to do with you, it is about him and only him".

"Man needs hug then". She say sniffling a bit.

"Yeah, I think he could really use a hug". I say smiling at her. "And you are a good girl, daddy is so proud of you".

I straighten up, and Maddie leans in to give me a soft kiss. "And I am proudly you. You handled that perfectly".

"Thank you darling, believe me I so wanted to reshape his spleen". I take Anele's hand and look at her. "What do you say we hurry home and you can have a swim in the living room pool before going to sleep ?"

"Yeah.. pool". She squeals with excitement almost jumping on the spot. Maddie looks at me, shaking her head, it is already past Anele's bedtime.

Then she smiles and take her other hand. "You spoil her Tom".

"I know". I bit my lip as we start walking along. "But she deserves it and it makes me happy".

"I agree, she deserves it".

From Rome with love (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now