Zac wants the truth

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"So ? Are you going to explain what is going on here ? Because frankly I would like very much to know". Zac is staring at Shekinah, and right now there is no doubt he is the older brother.

She sighs. "Zac this is Your night, haven't there been enough drama ? Maybe this is a talk for some other time ?"

"No, I want to know.. now Shekinah". I have honestly never seen Zac this rattled before.

"What about we step outside in the garden then, it's a bit more private". I say, placing a hand on Zac's arm and looking at Shekinah.

Shekinah nods, and I take Zac's hand, pulling him with me to the outside garden. I get that he wants answers, but this is not something other people should be listening in on.

Outside Shekinah sits down on a low stone wall, luckily no one else is out there. "What do you want to know then ?"

"What do you think sis ? Everything.. or well no sleazy details. When ? Why ? How long ? WHY ?" Zac crosses his arms. "How could you ? Because everything screams to me that this isn't way back before you were married and had Griffyn".

"I don't know why, okay ?" She looks about to cry.

Zac shakes his head. "No not okay, nothing about this is remotely okay".

"We need to keep calm here, all of us". I send Zac a glare, but I know that even I have a hard time calming him right now. "Shekinah when did it start and when did it end ? Please tell me it did end".

"6 years ago, it started 6 years ago, first time Tom was at nerd HQ.. I thought it was just, you know a one night thing. But well we talked and agreed that well we both .. hmm enjoyed ourselves and well Tom had a problem you know getting his needs met as he didn't want a relationship and he wasn't keen of just picking up random women, so I told him he could always call me.. and yeah, last time was right after Rome, I think it was kind of a 'goodbuy' thing. He told me he had met Maddie and even though they weren't dating or anything, he felt she was something special".

Zac is rubbing a hand over his face, desperately trying to calm himself. "How could you do that to Ian ? Why did you keep seeing him ? I thought you were better than that"

"Zac stop patronising me here. We all know why your first marriage failed, so do not get on a high horse with me". Shekinah hiss and lashes out, clearly close to panic.

I gasp, knowing that this was a real low blow. Zac looks like she slapped him. "I hoped you had learned from my mistakes. You saw what that did to me. What it did to everyone around me".

"Sorry, that was uncalled for and yeah I should have known better". She looks down. "Honestly I don't know what to say. I do love Ian. It's just like I couldn't resist".

"So.. how often ? I mean Tom lives in London and you have Your.. you life here in LA". I ask. I am honestly shocked, I had not seen this coming even knowing everyone involved.

She bites her lip. "It wasn't like all the time, just like when he was in town, we met up in New York a couple of times too. Like 2-3 sometimes 4 weekends in a year".

"So.. is Ian even Gryffin's father ? Is there any possibility that...". Zac can't make himself finish the sentence.

"No.. there is no possibility, Ian is his father. I am not dumb, I have been very careful and I was nowhere near Tom around the time I got pregnant". She quickly say and I hear Zac breathe a sigh of relief.

He nods. "Okay that's good, at least. But sis, you have to talk to Ian about all of this, you know that right ?"

"I can't Zac". Tears starts streaming down her face. "He'll leave me, he'll take Gryffin away. Please I can't lose them".

"Well who do you have to thank for that ? What did you tell me back when my marriage crumbled ? Oh yeah I made my bed so I had to lay in it". Zac is pacing.

I sit down next to Shekinah, putting my arm around her shoulder and sending Zac a harsh glare. "Maybe you could go into some therapy together, find out what went wrong ? Ian loves you very much, I know that, maybe he is willing to do that".

"I don't know. I mean it is a big thing to forgive. I am not sure meeting with some therapist once or twice a week is enough to do it". She leans on me.

Zac looks thoughtful. "Well I know a place, if he is willing to work on this, I'll pay for the two of you to go there for a month and do some serious work on Your marriage".

"Thank you Zac, it's so sweet of you. But what about Gryffin ?" The tears are falling even harder now.

I smile and look at Zac. "No problem, we can have him while you go.. right Zac ?"

"Yeah sure, no problem.. Great practise for.. later". Zac says smiling happily.

"Okay then". Shekinah nod. "I'll talk to him first thing tomorrow and hope against all hope that he will give us a chance, give me a chance. Zac, I.. Well I could.." her voice breaks.

"Of course I'll be there". He sigh. "I know I sound harsh and you fucked up so badly, but you are my baby sister and I'll always have you back".

She smiles through tears and get up to slide into Zac's embrace. He hugs her kissing her hair. "It'll be okay sis. No matter what, It'll be okay".

From Rome with love (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now