Felling bought and sold

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We all sit in the car, on our way to the charity ball after party. Zac is nervously fiddling around and biting his lip. "Soo.. what did you think ? And please be totally honest".

"Well.. if you want my total honest opinion". Tom say squeezing my hand as he looks at Zac. "You nailed it, to use an American expression, that there is a homerun".

Zac slaps Tom's should. "Don't do that you knucklehead, you fucking scared me".

"Ouch". Tom pouts and look at me. "Cookie he hit me, it hurts".

"Sorry you asked for it boo". I look at Zac. "I loved it, it was fun, exciting and heartwarming and you were absolutely amazing".

Zac smile happily. "Thanks Maddie. I hope others agree".

"They will love.. I mean I might be very biased, but I thought you were so good, very funny and extremely sexy. You can come save me anytime you want to". Dahlia say, sending him a cheeky smile.

He snuggles into her. "Oh you are very much biased, but I still love hearing you say that love".

Dahlia giggles softly as he kisses her neck and honestly it doesn't even make me uncomfortable, it seems so loving and natural coming from them.

Tom clears his throat. "Get a room.. no wait you have a room, wait till you are in it".

"Don't be jelly Tom". Zac say grinning, as we drive up in front of the swanky hotel were the charity ball is held.

Tom helps me out and we walk inside the beautiful ballroom. Tom's arm resting around my waist. I look up at him, feeling so proud to be there with him.

People keeps coming over to Zac, praising him and he is totally hyped with happiness, making Dahlia giggle and scold him lovingly.

Shekinah shows up, looking stunning in a simple and classic black dress. "Congrats sweetie, you were a smash.. everyone is talking about it both here and on-line".

"Thanks sis, it great isn't it ? I mean I am just happy people are enjoying it.. but still is so awesome". He is smiling from ear to ear.

"Yeah it is great and I am very proud of you". She say smiling at him. Then she turns to me. "Glad to see you Maddie, I need you".

I look confused. "You need me, for what ?"

"It's almost time". She say.

Wait what ? I am feeling like I have been sucked into the twilight zone here. "Time for what ? Sorry did I miss something ?"

"The first dance auktion.. didn't Zac tell you ? All the none married women sells their first dance and the money goes to the charity". She holds out her hand for me to take.

"Whoops, Sorry.. I forgot". Zac shrugs looking very apologetic.

I glance at Tom, who is, I think, scowling at Zac and I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I look at Shekinah, then back at Tom, seeing a small smile creep up on his lips. "Okay then I guess I can do that".

"The first dance will be with me, I'll see to that". Tom leans in to murmur lasciviously in my ear. The tone in his voice makes my pulse race, and it suddenly feels hot in the room.

"I look forward to it". I whisper back, before pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.

Shekinah grabs my hand. "Come on Maddie, Let's make sure he won't get you cheap".

I follow her to the stage were about ten women are waiting already and I notice that one of them are Bernice. I am not sure how I feel about this, but it is for charity.

From Rome with love (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now