Sponge boo Tom cake

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"So how to spend the afternoon ?" I ask Maddie, when we are finally alone. Not that I don't like spending time with Dahlia and Zac, but I want to be alone with my fiance.

She looks thoughtful. "Well tomorrow will be busy with the last preparations and the rehearsal dinner.. so what about relaxing today ? Maybe take Bobby for a walk in the park, watch some Netflix.. relax".

"That sounds absolutely perfect love". I look at her. Honestly I still can't believe that in two days I get to call her my wife.

"What is it Boo ?" She suddenly ask.

I bite my lip. "What do you mean ? I didn't say anything".

"No but you are looking kind of weirdly at me". She say with a giggle.

"I am just blown away by Your beauty and the fact that you will soon be my wife". I tell her with a smile.

"Smooth Tom, very smooth". She grabs the front of my shirt, pulling me in for a kiss.

So far she has no idea of the secret I am keeping for her. And I wonder what she will say. Is she actually ready to share me ?

"Bobby.. want to go to the park boy ?" She calls out and is answered with an exited yap and the padding of running paws.

"I guess someone is definitely up for the park". I say and get his leash, making him jump happily around me.

We walk to the park hand in hand, Bobby trotting happily along, sniffing to everything along the way. It is a beautiful day in London, with the sun shining from a blue sky.

"It's so pretty here". Maddie say, as we are walking over the heath. Bobby of his leash, running happy circles around us.

"It is. I have always loved coming here. But now with you by my side, it's a hundred time more beautiful".

She smiles softly. "You are such a.. sponge cake.. all mushy and soft.. and delicious".

"A sponge cake ? Well that's not sexy at all". I say grinning.

"Well you are sexy, a sexy sponge cake". She say giggling, letting herself fall down in some long grass.

I lay down beside her, placing my head on her stomach looking at the sky. "For you I'll be a sexy sponge cake".

She take her fingers through my hair. "So are you wearing the hair up or down for tomorrow sponge boo Tom cake ?"

"I am going to ignore everything you just said and just enjoy you playing with my hair". I mumble, closing my eyes.

"Just teasing.. I love Your curls and I am happy they let you keep them for Your last role". She say, twirling a curl around her finger.

I humm softly. "Is it bad that I kind of just want to go for theatre roles, so I can stay here with you ?"

"Oh believe me, I wish you could be here always. But Tom you are so talented and I couldn't bear to see you not get the career you deserve. I mean you are destined for big things.. I am talking a-list, oscars.. everything.. you need to go do that". She say softly.

"Actually there is this role I have been called about, it could be fun to do". I say biting my lip.

Her hand stops for a moment. "Oh.. that sounds interesting.. Can you say anything about it ?"

"Unfortunately not much.. It is a remake of a very big classic soo.. they are keeping the cards close". I say apologetic.

"Sounds very interesting". I start playing with his hair again. Wondering what movie it could be.

Bobby comes over, sniffing at Tom, who begins to chuckle. "Hi boy, daddy is just relaxing".

So Bobby lays down, with his head on Tom's stomach and he scratches him behind the ears. I smile to myself. "This is rather cosy, isn't it ?"

"It is, very much". Tom answers.

I look at the sky. "You know what ? The sky is the perfect shade of blue.. and funnily it's the same colour as Your eyes".

"Are you coming onto me cookie". He say as he looks up at me with a cheeky grin.

"Oh of course I am boo, but actually right now Your eyes are the same colour as the sky". I tell him.

He turns his head, his tongue slipping out to grace my skin right along the lining of my shorts, where my t-shirt has slipped up a bit.

I gasp and squirm. "Stop it Tom, we are in a public park".

"And there is not one single person in sight". He chuckles, he turns his body a little more, making Bobby trot away looking rather offended. His fingers push the shirt up a bit more, making space for the tongue to draw little patterns on my skin.

"Tom behave". I try pushing him away.. or well more like pretend to try.

He chuckles, lifting himself up on his hands. "Nope, not capable, losing control, you are just too delicious".

He buries his face in my stomach and attack me with licks, kisses, little nipples and rubs of his nose, making me scream and moan at the same time, now seriously trying to get him of me.

"Ouch". He rolls down on the grass, cupping his most prices appendix.

"Sorry boo, so sorry, I didn't mean to hit..that". I can't help giggling. It hadn't been on purpose, but I mean he did jump me. "It's just hard to miss".

He is gasping for air and Bobby comes running over and starts to lick his face, making me laugh even harder as Tom fights to get the dog away and protect his hurt area. "Bobby stop, not fair".

"Bobby, leave daddy alone, he is .. hurting". I giggle and pad the grass beside me, making Bobby come running to get a belly rub.

"I got something in need of a rubbing darling". Tom chuckles, finally able to sit up.

I grab a tuft of grass and throw at him. "Eww could you be anymore disgusting ?"

"Hey, is it really that horrid an idea, for you to..". He looks down at his crotch, then at me with a teasing grin.

I let myself fall down on all four, after making sure there is no people anywhere near us. Slowly crawling toward him I lick my lips. "Oh my poor little boo, you have something that needs a good rubbing, maybe a little kiss to get better ?"

"Uh well.. I was only kidding you know". His cheeks flushing pink.

"Are you sure ? I am sure tiny Tom wont mind". I say, reaching my fingers out to ghost over his crotch.

He jumps to his feet like he just got shocked. "Really sure.. we.. we better get home.. Bobby now.. home".

I chuckle to myself as I get up and follow them.

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