Sticking babies to the wall

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"You look absolutely stunning". I tell Dahlia, as we wait outside for Zac to get ready for the second part of the photoshoot. Tom is sitting nearby on a blanket with Stella and it is very clear that my boyfriend has lost his heart to someone else that me.

She twirls around. "So not to, little house on the prairie ?"

She is wearing a light pink dress in kind of a western look and her hair falling in loose waves over her shoulders. I shake my head. "Nope just enough. But I am curious to see Zac".

"Me too". Dahlia giggles. She looks over at Tom cooing at her daughter. "If that isn't the sweetest thing ever. Seriously Mads you man needs to be a father, like.. yesterday".

"I know". I look at him, feeling my heart swell with love. "That sight is almost enough to make that happen.. goes right in the ovaries".

Eric comes out and I hurry over, making him snap some pictures of Tom. I snap one with my phone, putting it on Instagram with the caption, 'one perfect dad in the making'.

I go sit down next to Tom. "So I see I have been replaced by a younger woman".

"Yeah sorry cookie, I can't help it, she is too cute and that new baby smell". He looks up at me with the most glorious smile on his face.

We hear Zac before he shows up. As expected he is complaining. "I look like an idiot.. yes I do, don't shake Your head at me. I am not Tom, I like to be able to breathe in my shirt".

I glance at Tom and giggle, well he do tend to wear his button downs really tight, not that I mind at all.

"And what is the idea with two waistcoats ?" Zac grumbles, as he walks out through the door.

He is wearing fitted jeans and a very slim fitted white button down, that is close to splitting at just about every seem. On top he is wearing a closed waistcoat and an open one. His hair is tousled curls.

"The idea is to look stylish and hot". The stylist say. "Girls, tell this guy that he looks hot".

Well he does look absolutely sexy, but I mean it wouldn't be appropriate to say with Tom sitting next to me.

Dahlia smiles slowly, walking over to her husband. "You look absolutely delicious".

He pulls her into him, looking at her with absolut adoration, her hands resting on his chest. "And you little lady, looks like beauty incarnate".

Eric is of course already clicking away with the camera, catching them kissing and snuggling. "Come on Zac, show of those guns, impress the ladies".

Zac grabs Dahlia's waist, lifting her up, making her squeal and grab his shoulders. When she is almost horizontal, with her legs dangling, she leans down to kiss him softly.

Okay I admit that I can't help eyeing those biceps as the bulge under the weigh. Tom looks at me. "Yeah sorry hon, I can't grow them like that".

"You don't have to boo". I turn toward him, running my hand up his arm. "I love Your arms just the way they are, so sexy and strong.. my favorite thing to have wrapped around me".

He wraps his free arm around me and press a kiss to my temple. "You always know how to make a man feel good cookie, at least this man.. actually don't make other men feel good".

"I promise". I say giggling, leaning into him. I truly couldn't wish for a better man.

I watch as Dahlia stands by the fence looking out over the fields, Zac stands behind her, his arms around her and one foot resting on the lowest beam of the fence. They look so perfect together.

"You think I can do that ?" I whisper to Tom.

He looks at them. "What, stare aimlessly into nothingness and make it look cool ?"

"No look anything near as flawless and natural as Dahlia". I say with a sigh. "She would have made a perfect model".

"I am sure you will do perfectly". Tom say softly. "And granted Dahlia is beautiful, but she don't hold a candle to my cookie".

"Oh ain't he just precious". Eric say grinning as he comes to pick up Stella. He looks at the baby. "Uncle Tom is such a kiss ass isn't he".

"Oh shut up Eric. Tom just know how to make a woman happy". I call after him, he is such a smart ass.

Tom folds both his arms around me. "I love how you always have my back cookie".

"Of course boo. I got you and you got me". I kiss him softly and I melt into him.

Eric has me laying on the ground, my face close to Stella, but apparently my little jelly bean is hungry, because suddenly she latch onto the tip of my nose, sucking noisily.

"Darling help". I try not to laugh, but it tickles like crazy.

Dahlia is giggling, as the gently slide her pinky into her mouth, breaking the vacuum. "I think someone is hungry".

"Seriously darling how do you even have any nipples left with that level of suction ?" I rub the tip of my nose.

"Well they get used to it, but yeah there is a whole lot of vacuum involved". Dahlia say, gently rocking Stella in her arms.

"Actually if you put a baby's mouth against a wall, she would be able to create enough suction to stick and hold herself up". Tom say walking over, his fingers laced with Maddies.

I look at Stella. "Hmm, is that really..".

".. Oh no Zac, you are not trying to make our daughter stick to a wall". Dahlia say glaring at me.

She has discreetly put Stella to her chest, and our daughter is now happily eating, making small noises of contentment. Eric chuckles. "She actually sound like Zac with a beer".

"Ha ha very funny Eric". I grumble, but the others of course are laughing.

"Actually the vacuum can pull the nipple out to a length of ..". I clamp a hand over Tom's mouth to stop him from talking.

"No Tom, I do not need to know that". I do not want that that mental image. "And why do you even know that ?"

Tom smiles softly, looking sideways at Maddie. "Well.. as we are kind of trying to get pregnant I might have read a book or two".

Maddie smiles lovingly at him. "Oh ain't you just cute ?"

I look at Eric, who makes a face. "Yeah just threw up a little bit in my mouth there".

Everyone turns to look at him. "Shut up Eric". Just to break down in giggles, Eric too.

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