A baby is a good look on Tom

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I watch Tom as he sits with little Stella in his arms. He is totally lost in her, chuckling lightly as she grabs his fingers. Molly has jumped up on the couch next to him, laying with her head on his leg, watching them, like she is protecting the baby. My heart is aching at the sight, wishing I could have this like now.

"That's a good look on you Tom". Zac say coming back from the kitchen with a pitcher of lemonade and some glasses.

"What ?" Tom say without looking up.

Zac puts down the tray. "A baby, you two should definitely get one".

"Yeah Zac, I don't know if you are aware of how this things with babies work, you should, everything considered. But just in case you don't know, it is not something you just order at Walmart". I lift my eyebrow.

Zac looks at me with surprise. "Are you sure ? Like totally sure. So there is no way of returning it either.. oh damn.. don't worry Maddie, I know where babies comes from.. the stork brings them".

"Well I be happy to take her if you want to return her". Tom says.

"Nah, I think we'll just keep her, I have kind of gotten used to her by now". Zac say and a breathtaking smile spreads on his face as he looks at his daughter. "She is the most perfect thing ever created".

There is no doubt Zac is totally in love with his little girl, and she truly is adorable. I look at Tom. "Well Zac is right, holding a baby is such a good look on you. If Your fans saw this they would melt".

Tom makes a face telling me to not even consider it. Then he looks up at Zac. "What do you plan with media and such ? I mean out here you can be pretty private I guess, but as soon as you start bringing her out into the world they will be there, trying to snap pictures".

"Actually we have talked a lot about it. I wish we could keep her totally out of the spotlight, but we don't want to lock her up or like run around and cover her up, it would probably be more negative to her than people snapping her picture". Zac say nodding. "And to avoid too much hassle here and now we decided to let Eric snap a series of pictures and release them, hoping that will satisfy them".

"That is actually a pretty good idea". Tom say, looking thoughtful. "Maybe we should do something like that for the wedding".

I smile at him. "If you think it's the right thing, you know much more about this than I do".

"Sounds smart Tom. I always felt that if you just give them a bit and always act gracious there isn't to much hassle and they tend to respect you more". Zac say and Tom nods in agreement.

"So how is the 'we are not really trying to have a baby' getting along ?" I ask Maddie as we sit alone on the porch. Zac has taken Tom on a ride around the grounds and Stella is sleeping soundly in her cradle.

Maddie giggles. "Well Tom seems to have forgotten the 'not really trying' part.. he is definitely trying, like a lot".

I can't help giggling either. "Oh I can believe that. But seriously, did you see him with Stella ? His biological clock is going of on full alarm.. he is so ready for kids".

"Yeah, and he is going to be such a wonderful father". She say with a soft loving smile. "And honestly I want it to, all of it, wedding, kids, family. But what if I am not good at it".

"Aww Mads, you are going to be a wonderful mother". I say deciding to test the waters a bit. "You were so good with the kids in Africa, especially that little girl.. the orphan one".

"Anele". She bites her lips and sadness creeps into her eyes. "But that is it Dahlia.. having a kid of my own, I feel I am.. letting her down.. I promised to take care of her, but I am not there. I.. I miss her so badly".

I take her hand, squeezing it softly. "You are not letting her down sweetie. But have you told Tom this ?"

"No, he is so excited for the wedding and the trying to get pregnant, I don't want him to worry for me. I'll get over it". She has this weird look on her face.

"Mads is something wrong ? I mean you and Tom are happy together right ?" They are such a great couple, and it would make my so sad if something was wrong.

She takes a deep breath. "Well I am sure it's nothing. Tom has just been acting a bit weird lately, secretive kind of, which is so unlike him. And well he keeps his phone on him at all times and yesterday he ended a call when I walked in 5 min early and claimed it was his mom".

"I am sure it is nothing to worry about sweetie". I say, I might need to have a talk with Tom about hiding things better. "Probably just nerves about everything and maybe something for the wedding, maybe he is planning a present for you or something romantic".

"Yeah, you are probably right. I might just be a bit stressed to, reading more into things". She lets out a sigh of relief and smile as she looks over the garden. "This place really is balm for the soul, I hope we can get something like this when we have kids".

I smile. "I really think you should. I mean London is great, but living in a townhouse with kids.. I would definitely prefer outside the city".

"Yeah I am just not sure about Tom.. I mean he is so used to being in the middle of the hustle and bustle of London". She say with a shrug.

"Tom would do anything for you". I hear faint talking and the sound of horse hoofs getting closer. "Talking about the devil, I think ours is on their way".

Seconds later the two horses walk around the corner side by side. Maddie lets out an appreciative sound. "Well I have to admit I have a hot looking hunk of a man".

"Well Tom doesn't look half bad on a horseback". I chuckle. Actually he looks pretty good in jeans a short sleeved plaid shirt. He is riding Honey, sitting relaxed in my western saddle, leading her with one hand.

"Nope he looks like a sexy cowboy". Maddie wiggles her eyebrows. "Zac looks pretty hot too, and he definitely got some colour, does he spend a lot of time half naked ? But.. what is he doing ?"

I groan. "Zac, I thought we had talked about this".

"What ? It's comfortable.. Jack likes it too". He say grinning from atop his horse.

"You two are going to be the death of me". I turn to Maddie. "Oh yeah with his new body he suddenly have a rather hard time keeping on clothes and Zac seems to fancy himself some kind of Indian horse whisperer".

"Well no sane woman is really going to complain about that". Maddie grins.

And well a suntanned Zac, wearing old worn out jeans, hiking boots and nothing else is quite a nice sight to behold. My eyes running over his bare chest, hmm what I would like to.. "You are right about that".

"Can he really control Jack like that ?" Maddie looks a tad worried.

"I am right here Mads, and of course I can". Zac say, padding Jack on the neck. "He is a very smart horse".

We had some trouble finding a saddle that both fitted Jack's back and Zac's behind, so he had started riding bare back and for some reason he had gotten the idea that as Jack responded mostly to the voice he didn't need a bridle either, so he is riding him with no tack at all.

Suddenly my eyes catches some scratches on his chest and looking closer he has one on his cheek too. "Zac.. what happened ?"

"Uhh Jack threw me in the blackberry bushes". He is looking anywhere but at me.

"Tom what really happened ? And don't you dare lie to me". I cross my arms and glare at Tom.

"Sorry man". Tom whispers to Zac. Then he looks at me. "Zac said he could make Jake jump them bushes ma'am. Jake stopped and Zac went head first into the bushes".

I glare at my husband who don't look too cocky right now. "Zachary Levi Pugh, get of that horse and inside.. now".

"Whoops". He swings his leg over Jack's back and jump down on the ground. "Uhm Tom can you handle the horses ?"

"I'll give him a hand". Maddie say, getting up quick and walking over to Tom and Honey.

"Jack, stable". I tell the horse and then I turn on my heels walking inside, Zac following me with his head hanging.

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