We have a what ?

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I am awakened by the feeling of the plane touching down on some runway. I sit up rubbing my eyes. I wonder where we are and if this is our final destination. So I peak out the curtain. Not much to go by, except for the sun looking like it has recently risen.

I quickly roll out of bed, a bit of soreness makes me fondly remember our heated wedding night. On the chair I find a new set of yellow lace underwear and a summer dress.

Pulling my hair back, I grab hair band and pull it around it, before walking out the door. As I get near the main cabin I hear laughter and voices. What.. did I just hear a woman's voice ? I wonder who that can be.

"Morning..". I stop in my track, taking in the scene in front of me. It is like my worst nightmare coming true. Next to Tom is a young, blond and very sexy woman. She is wearing a rather small summer dress, showing of an ample cleavage. In her lap Anele looks content, as the woman is laughing at something Tom said, her hand on his forearm.

Tom looks up and spots me, making him all but jump out of his seat. He is all bright smile as he comes over to kiss me. "Morning love".

"Who.. Is.. she.. Tom ?" It comes out as a hissing whisper, as I only mean for Tom to hear it.

"Oh right, sorry". Another bright smile flashes at me. "Darling this is our amazing nanny, Vera Berg, she is from sweden. Vera sweetie this is my wife Maddie".

Oh don't be to sure about that Mr Hiddleston I think.. there need to be an extremely good explanation for this. "You hired a nanny ? Without talking to me about it ?"

"Uhh yeah.. I mean this whole thing with Anele was a secret.. and I had Vera here come highly recommended by a friend. I meet her and she is perfect, so I hired her". He actually looks a bit confused.

Vera gets up, putting Anele down on the floor. Of course she has perfectly shaped legs that goes on for miles and a smile worthy of a toothpaste commercial. Her voice has that swedish accent men seems to like. "Such a pleasure to finally meet you Mrs Hiddleston".

"Well I have to admit that it is quite a surprise to meet you miss Berg". I say trying to find a fitting grimace as she gives me a warm hug. I glare daggers at Tom over her shoulder. "If you would excuse us for a moment. I would like to have a talk with Mr Hiddleston in private".

I see a glint of pure panic in Tom's eyes. At least he realises that he is in the doghouse. He quickly grab his wallet and hand Vera some money. "Could you take Anele into the airport and look at the stores ? Just get her what she wants. Thanks sweetie".

"Sure Tom". She accept the money, smiling at him in a way that makes me want to scratch out her eyes. Luckily for her she takes Anele's hand and gets ready to leave the plane.

"Mummy, mummy". Anele suddenly calls and rips her hand free and running back to hug my leg.

I squat down to hug her tightly. "It's okay Mwana. Mum just needs to talk to daddy for a moment okay ? Go with nanny Vera and look at the fun stores".

She nods and allows Vera to lead her out of the plane, but she keep looking at me. Making me keep a smile on my face till she is gone.

"Darling what is..".

I hold up my hand. "Oh no.. do not darling me Tom.. actually.. maybe you should just go spend some time with Your swedish sweetie".

Tom grabs my arm, as I turn to walk away. "What the fuck is wrong with you Maddie? What's the problem".

"Let go of me right now". I hiss, unable to contain my emotions. "Oh what isn't ? I don't even know where to start Tom.. maybe with you hiring a nanny without talking to me.. who say I even want a nanny ? Or with you clearly hiring her with Your fucking dick".

"Maddie stop right now. You are acting very immature about this". He lets go of me. "We need a nanny with our working schedules. And I thought having her here on the holiday was a good thing, so I hired her".

I shake my head and almost start laughing. "Excuse me, I am immature ? Who was it who hired the nanny with 'fuck me' stamped on her forehead ?"

"Maddie !" He actually looks shocked. "That was totally uncalled for. What the hell is so bad about having a nanny. I was trying to help you".

"Just fuck of Tom. I can't do this right now.. if you can't even see the problem.. Well then I don't know what to say.. and I start questioning if you are the man I thought". I stomp into the bathroom and lock the door. I need a long shower right now.

I am restlessly pacing the cabin. Why do she have to be so.. so.. argh for God's sake this is our honeymoon and now she has locked herself in the bathroom. I had really just wanted to make it all easy on her. I mean we couldn't leave Anele behind this soon, but.. Well I wanted to have just a bit of time alone with my wife. So I thought it a great idea to bring the nanny. I mean we need a nanny as we both work odd hours. And I hired the very best I could find, even had her highly recommended; so what is the problem ?

I sit down, resting my head in my hands. Had she seriously accused me of picking Vera based on her looks ? Yeah I guess she is a pretty girl, but I hadn't honestly given any thought to it. I hired her because she had excellent recommendations and she has a lot of experience with kids in Anele's situation having worked for a year in an African orphanage. On top of that she seems like a nice girl.

Not knowing what else to do I grab my phone and call Zac. He picks up on the second ring. "What's up Tom ? How on earth do you have time to call me on Your honeymoon ?"

"Because my wife has locked herself in the bathroom after throwing a fit". I sigh. "I might really be in the dog house here".

"Oh wow, she locked herself in the bathroom.. what the fuck did you do Hiddles, tried to sneak it in the backdoor or what ?" He chuckles.

I actually contemplate hanging up, not really in the mood for his humour now. "No Zac, and control Your dirty mind, I need help here. She seems extremely.. angry that I hired a nanny for Anele".

"Wait what ?.. you hired a nanny ? As in you did not talk to Your wife about it first ? About what she wanted ? She had nothing to do with finding her ?" His voice now serious.

"No I mean.. it sounds bad like that". I bit my lip. "I wanted someone here to care for Anele so we could.."

"Wait wait wait what ? You brought the nanny that Your wife didn't know about on you honeymoon.. a female nanny I guess right ?" I hear a sound that suspiciously sounds like Zac facepalming himself.

I start feeling that it isn't support I will get from him. "Yeah, but I hired the best qualified. I mean that should be good enough right ? But she seem to think that I picked her with something else than my brain".

"No Tom, best qualified if is not enough". He sigh. "Women don't like being.. bowled over like that.. it is about it feeling right, chemistry, feeling safe. And if she thinks you let Your dick rule.. so bad Tom, so bad.. is she hot ?"

"Just a second". I take my phone from my ear and scroll down, finding a picture I took of Vera and Anele at my mom's place. "I have send you a picture".

Zac disappears, and seconds later I hear a whistle. "Okay, so Tom.. for how long have you had this dead wish ?"

"Is it really that bad ?" I rub my neck.

"Oh believe me Tom, it is.. do you realise what the press will make of this ?" He breathes out. "Seriously no woman would want to have a nanny like that in her home, being a constant.. temptation to her husband".

"But I would never..".

"I know Tom, and probably Maddie knows too, but .. the rumours, the stories, the guessing.. you screwed up royally and you need to beg on Your knees and be ready to send the nanny home ASAP if she say so.. that is how a marriage works my friend.. a happy wife is the key to a happy marriage".

I nod to myself. "You are right Zac, thanks.. talk to you later".

"Good luck Tom".

I end the call, and prepare to go face her.

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