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This part is now the regular time where Huey and Liam are together and such.

Huey's POV

I've been thinking, Liam's mother told me she was running away from my parents but she killed them? She had to kill my parents in order to save Liam? It doesn't make any sense, none of this does.  I never thought my life  would be so complicated and weird. I don't know who to trust anymore. Who do I talk to other then Liam? He's all I have, what if something happens to him? Who will I have? What if what Linda was so afraid of didn't end and is still out there searching for her and her family? Liam, what if I can't protect him?
What if he can't protect himself?

"Why is everything so complicated now?" We were sitting in a random parking lot surrounded by trees and grass. Going home may not be the best idea right now because Linda could be there waiting, also being away from our problems is nice.

"That's just how life is sometimes, love." He smiled weakly.
Liam is dying inside and I don't know how to stop it. Neither of us have a safe place to stay anymore, what has the world come to? If only we could just disappear from everything and leave this place, if only we had a stable plan financially.

"Liam if my parents are dead, where did all their money go?" What if it all went into my bank account and was just hidden from me. I know my mother would have left something for me cause she clearly knew she wouldn't be here for long.

"Do you have a bank account?" He seemed to understand what I was thinking.

"Let's go to my parents bank, I'll bet something was left for me. There has to be." So we drove off. Scared and unaware that this might not be such a good idea. Anyone with a brain would know that we want to disappear, who wouldn't want that while in this situation?


Why was I scared?

"Do you know what to do?" Liam asked. I didn't know at all, I'm not sure how things like this work.

I replied, "No.", He sighed sympathetically.

"I'll do the talking, you just follow me okay?" I then followed him inside. I'm not too sure if this bank is the right one, I remember as a kid we'd come here but I could be wrong. There was a tiny women behind the front desk looking at some papers. Once she noticed us she smiled.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" She chimed. Everyone else who worked there seemed very quiet and timid, she definitely didn't fit in.

"I would like to know if my boyfriends parents signed their will off to him." Her smile faded.

"Well what's your name?" She asked me.

i answered, "Huey Staller." She began typing into her computer.

"Do you have your ID? Just need to make sure you are who you say you are you know?" She smiled but not as bright as before.
I pulled out my health card and handed it over, her face soon filled with worry.

"Can you guys please follow me to the back?" I looked at Liam scared and confused. Seemed as if he felt the same.

Worriedly I answered, "Okay." Liam took my hand and led me to the back. She walked in front of us and now I could fully see what she looked like entirely. She had long black hair, very straight and wore a pink blazer with a tight black dress, on her feet were small black heels. She was about 4'11.

She led us to a room that only had one desk with one computer on it. The walls were grey with no windows. She shut the door behind her and sat at the desk.

She said,"I'm not allowed to tell anyone this but they knew you were coming." What is she talking about? "They waited, you'll have to hurry." She typed into the computer so fast I could barely see what keys she was hitting.

Liam noticed my anxiety flaring up and asked, "what are you talking about?" She turned her head looking towards us with a dead face.

"You now have $3.5 million in your new bank account. The door is that way." She pointed to the grey wall that was on the opposite side of the door we got in here with. "Please take that exit."
Then she got up and left.

What's happening?


So hello? I hope you guys didn't forget me !!

-Lilly <3

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