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Huey's POV

Just after school finished today some guy wouldn't stop screaming at me for reasons I couldn't and still can't understand. He kept talking about how his father was supposed to kill me and how it was perfect timing because my parents weren't there. I'm guessing his father was the one to break into my house? I haven't gotten any calls or texts from my parents yet so I'm a bit worried. They were supposed to be home by now, maybe I should've asked  more queistions about their work.

I'm supposed to be asleep right now because Liam told me to rest. I am currently with him in bed receiving a serious bear hug right now. Who knew he would ever be like this, who knew that he would want to be my boyfriend, who knew he would change for me? Well I'll tell you one thing, I didn't know till it became my reality. 


I was taken out of my thoughts by a loud thud, it seems as if someone just kicked the front door open. Liam shot up rubbing his eyes, looking around all confused

"What was that?" He asked but I was just as clueless as he was.

"I don't know." He got up, put on a shirt, and grabbed his baseball bat. He plays baseball? Cool. He then walked down the stairs and I followed while putting a shirt on as well. When we got down there, the lights were on in the kitchen. I followed closely behind Liam for protection. 

He put the bat down in defeat and sighed, what?

"Dad?" I looked over to see what looked to be his dad and when our eyes locked his face became angry.

"Who's that?!" He asked clearly aggravated. Liam tensed and looked over to me, I should have stayed upstairs. He seemed to be searching for an explanation so I cut in.

"Uh hi, my names Huey and my house got broken into and trashed so he let me stay over." I scratched the back of my neck while looking at the floor.

"Liam he looks gay...are you guys sharing a bed!?" He stood up tall as if he was ready to fight.
Liam looked towards me apologetically.

"Dad, I know that you're probably going to kick me out...but I have nowhere to stay...and I pay most of the bills for this house so I can kick you out actually, but that's besides the point..." He stopped and looked at me like he was having some sort of conflict with himself, so I gave a slight smile and he nodded.

"I'm bisexual...but before you say anything I um I'm happy." His fathers face was too confusing to read.

"He's my boyfriend Dad! And I don't care if you disown me, this is how things are now." He shrugged while putting an arm around me.

"So did you lie to me? About your house?!" He screamed causing me to cringe at his breath.
Liam cut in.

"No dad he didn't, he was assaulted in his own home and I took him here." His dad still seemed upset but not as much as before.

"I'll think this over..." Liam let a breath of air out and took my hand to bring me up stairs.

Once we got his room he shut the door and hugged me tightly.

"Uhh Liam? I have a question" he let go and stepped back.


"This is all so soon and I feel like I'm messing everything up...I don't want to mess things up for you and, I don't know, it's just hard." I looked up at him through my lashes. He looked hurt and concerned.

"Huey." He took my hands and kissed both of them.

"I'm not giving up on this relationship, you've changed me in a way I never thought I could." He took my chin and pecked both of my cheeks, he then took a moment to look me in the eyes before pressing his lips on mine. I smiled into the kiss and I could tell he was doing the same.

That morning we went to school trying not to grab as much attention as the last time. Some people seemed sceptical as to why I don't get picked on anymore, it's whatever though. I told Ms. Mack everything and she let me know that if I ever need a place to stay her home is mine. I really appreciate her offer but I just don't think that's very wise due to the fact that she is a teacher, I don't want her to lose her job. 

Liam's been joining me during lunch a lot, it's been really nice. He has changed so much, he's even getting better grades. Speaking of grades we finished our project, we decided to talk about the human brain and I think we did a pretty good job on it. I've stayed at Liam's house for quite a bit but the thing is that his dad is always gone, Liam has been trying to not show how worried he is but I can tell it's pretty significant. We both have no idea how to deal with him but things seem to be going smoothly otherwise. 

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