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Liam's POV

It is currently Sunday night and I've been trying to finish my homework. It's actually really hard since I haven't done this in years. It's okay though,  I'm proud that I'm even putting the effort in. My dad has been out since yesterday so I don't know where he is. Last time I saw him was when he gave me that slap. I also haven't talked to Huey since yesterday but I mean obviously, he's still scared of me. I hope I can change that soon. Huey's pretty cool, he cares a lot about others including  people like me. I bullied, him and taunted him for so long. Then he came rushing to help me when he saw what my Dad had done. Who would ever do that? Who would ever want to be friends with someone who was so rude towards them.  If I were him I wouldn't be talking to me but then again I am me. I was taken out of my thoughts by my phone ringing. I picked it up.

"Hello?" The caller ID is unknown, that's a bit odd.

"Please Liam, help me." That sounds like Huey and he seems hurt. I got up,  grabbed my keys and shoes.

"Where are you? what's wrong?" I was out the door starting my car.

"M-my house...please hurry Liam pl-" The phone hung up and I was left there stunned.

Was I the only person he could call? Shouldn't he have someone to take care of him and look over him like his parents? Why me? Out of everyone, even the police, he called me?

I showed up to his house noticing the door was open. I ran in calling his name but received no reply. As I walked around I noticed how the whole house had been trashed, who would do this?

"Huey?! Where are you?!" I yelled, I heard a little groan that sounded a lot like Huey. I ran towards the noise and basically fell at the scene. Huey was lying on the floor with cuts and bruises everywhere, there were none on his face though. I ran up to him unknowing why my heart hurt so much. When I started to pick him up he whispered something. I couldn't quite understand it though.

"I have to take you to the hospital." I sat his down in the passengers seat. He furrowed his brows at what I said.

"M-my p-parents said t-that if this ever h-happens, I can't go to the h-hospital." What type of parent say that? Why were they ready for it? how did they know that this would happen? I took him to my place and cleaned up all the blood myself. I felt a little uncomfortable because I was showing my soft side but this whole change thing has officially started. Might as well just not care. When I finished and he was all cleaned up I noticed that he was blushing and he had a little smile on his face. His head was faced down but I still saw it. 

"Hue, I've noticed something about you." He looked up with confusion written all over his face.

"Huh?" He was still blushing.

"You blush quite a lot, do you really get that embarrassed around me?" I knew he wasn't blushing for that reason, I just wanted to see what he would say.

"I uh told you already." He looked down, failing to hide his blush once again.

"Told me what?" He was sitting on the counter while I leaned on the the ledge behind me. He blushed again.

"You must be playing some sort of game here because I already told you." He faced up at me staring into my eyes. 

"I want to hear it again." I said smirking as his face heated up.

"Why?" he is so cute, okay I may or may not have fallen for the kid but hey he has a nice ass, let me live. 

"Why can't I just hear you say it again?" I came closer putting each hand on the counter next to him. He looked at my hands then shook his head. "Say it, come on say it for me." His gaze was still on my hands and I couldn't stop looking at his face. 

"Liam hill, I like you...like a lot." He looked up through his lashes. I felt my cheeks getting warm.

"That wasn't so hard was it?" He chuckled and whispered something that I think I was not supposed to hear.

"Not as hard as-." He laughed to himself.

"I know exactly where you were going with that." He opened his mouth slightly before mumbling a sorry.

"It's okay." I smiled at him.

"You like me don't you?" He asked getting excited. I didn't know what to say. I could  like him or is this could be a phase? 

I do think he is cute though, he's so adorable when he blushes and he has the best smile. When he laughs it makes me smile and-and...Holy shit I think I do.

He started to smile.

"You like me don't you?" He was bursting at the seams with happiness to the point where I could see him jumping up and down. His thighs were going up and down and I couldn't help but realize how much I just wanted to touch them, so I did.  As soon as I placed my hand on his thigh he stopped jumping. I brought my empty hand to his other thigh and just stayed there looking at his beautiful, cute, and handsome face. His blush kept getting deeper and deeper. But then there was a knock at my door. I looked at Huey a little annoyed that someone just had to interrupt us. I began walking towards the door with Huey on my tale anyway. Opening the door I then realized there was a police man infant of me.

"Hello, are you Liam hill?" I nodded but then followed with a 'yes'.

"Well I'm sorry to inform you but your father got into a terrible car accident. He is in the hospital right now." I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. He may be abusive but he's all I have left.
He's the only one that I could have ever talked to. He is my father.

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