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Huey's POV

School started on Tuesday and only two days have passed, so today is Thursday. I'm so happy that the week is almost over, I can't stand to think about how I blush when Liam is around, I don't know what it means. Although it seems pretty obvious what it could be, I just don't think that I'm gay. Trust me, I've had my fair share of wet dreams and there were never males in them. Although, I've never been in a relationship and now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever really had a crush either. So I truly don't know what it feels like, meaning that, if this is what it feels like to have a crush I don't think I would be able to know.

Its gonna be lunch soon and since Liam knew about how I didn't have class second period, he's been skipping to come find me. So I'm here at home, usually I would stay away from home as much as possible but my parents just switched their shifts. My mother used to work at night and so did my dad but now they work all day. I don't know what they do, I never cared to ask.

I like to go to school for lunch because I like to sit with Miss. Mack, she's the math teacher. I swear she's been like a mother to me. With my mom not being there for me as much as she used to, it really helps that she's there. As I walk in the school I see that everyone is talking to their friends in the cafeteria. I continue until I see something that usually wouldn't bother me, Liam with some girl wearing a cheer leader outfit. She's being really touchy and he seems to be enjoying it. I stop in the middle of the hallway, mouth abroad, and heavily confused because why do I even care? He spotted me looking which made my cheeks heat up. Why can't my face just stop playing around and just stay pale? I noticed that he stiffened while smirking. I have no clue how you could do those things at the same time and look so, I don't know, hot?

No, no, and NO!! Stop thinking like that Huey, you're just going to get hurt. Most likely by the brown haired boy walking towards you. Wait, he's walking towards me?

My heart beats faster now that I realize this is indeed true. 

"Haven't seen your face in a while. Right now it's red but still." He stopped in front of me with his hands in his pockets. I stared at the floor tracing my eyes along each tile. 

Please just leave me alone. 

"You know, I'm starting to think you like me." my eyes shot up to greet his. Do I like him? I mean how could I like the boy who bully's me. Then again I keep blushing around him and this random need to poke him to see if he's real. I have no clue why but it's like I've noticed so much about him over these past days. For example, his eyes are green, blue, grey, and brown. His eye lashes are very long. Speaking of long things, I wonder-

WHAT THE FUCK, HUEY! Shut up, shut up , shut up. 

I noticed that everyone had left and I also noticed that I've been starring at him this whole time. My mouth drops and my face gets hot once again. Come on Huey keep your cool.

Ha get it "cool" because my face keeps getting hot...I'm funny ha.

"Dude, I'll pound your face in if you don't answer my question." He held up his fist to my face.

"You asked a question? My bad s-say i-it again please." Where did that stuttering come from?

"I asked if you like me, if I have to repeat it again I'll brake your face." I back away slowly until my back is against a locker. He grabs my shirt with his hand and has his fist closer to my face as if he's ready to throw one.

"Answer me, fag." He didn't seem mad, more like he was curious, I can't describe what it was.

"W-why do y-you c-care?" Seems like i'll be stuttering a lot more often.

"I don't but just answer me nitwit!" He screamed in my face with breath that was surprisingly minty. I smiled at the fact that he smelt good. Maybe I do like him?

"I m-mean I w-would love t-to l-like you as a friend." I finally spoke out knowing the punch was coming.

"Friends? That's not what I mean dumass." As I was about to speak he hit me in the gut with what felt like a knee.
trying not to scream I bit my lip in agony. 

He dropped me.
"You do like me, I kneed you and you fucking liked it. Oh my god you fag, I was right, you're so—ehhggg disgusting!" He ran away leaving me like I was the plague. I just stared at the ceiling allowing my mind to wonder. 

Maybe I do like him.

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