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Huey's POV

When I saw Liam's mom I knew exactly that she was indeed his mother.

She has the exact same beautiful eyes and her smile lit up the room the same as Liam's. Her hair was brown and wavy, even though Liam's was curlier, my guess is that he gets the curls from his father.

Speaking of his father, I haven't seen him in a while. He was here before just making noise but not talking to us at all. Then he left and hasn't come back.

"Huey?" I look over to Liam who seems to be trying to talk to me. I must have been in my own head.

"What? Sorry." He chuckled and there was that smile.
I saw his mother in the corner of my eye, she was looking at us amused. Must be nice having a mother like that. But then again she did leave and come back out of nowhere.

"What do you want to eat?" I looked at the time seeing it was 4:36. I was quite hungry, I just didn't know what I wanted to eat.

"I don't know really, ask your mom." I smiled and he looked over to her, she shrugged. Liam sighed and just chose himself. We got Chinese food so obviously I was exited.

Liam and I went upstairs to talk, he said that he wanted to speak about what was going on. His mother thought wrong and started moving her eyebrows suggestively. We went upstairs laughing.

I sat on his bed and he cleared his throat.

"Well my mom is okay with us." I smiled brightly. But he sounded as if he wasn't finished so raised my brows in a "go on" type of way.

"But I still don't know why she's here, she just told me she's trying to get the house back and I'm guessing she wants me back too. But it doesn't make sense, why is she here out of nowhere and where the fuck is my dad." He sat down beside me with his head in his hands.

"Calm down okay? We will find out where he is and why he's been so distant. Your mom will tell you eventually why she left okay? Just wait it out, I'm here" I started rubbing circles into his back.

"I don't know what I'd do without you." I blushed but then I heard a loud scream. My face dropped because it sounded like Liam's mom. Liam was thinking the same and got up before I could even process what was happening.
When I got down the stairs Liam was between his father and his mother.
She was on the floor with glass around her and his dad was standing with a knife.

What the fuck?

I thought to myself. Is this some sort of movie because how is he here when she's here and how is this all working out like a fucking tv drama?

"Dad what are you doing here?!" Liam seemed calm but I knew he was breaking on the inside.

"It's my house and I've decided that you are not staying in my house!" He yelled right at Liam probably spitting in his face too. Liam stayed quiet, I tried thinking of something to say but couldn't find anything.

"Get out I have to deal with little miss Linda here." Linda? That's her name?
I shouldn't be thinking about that right now, there are much bigger problems.

"No! I'm not leaving my house. I pay for it and I live here more than you do! You will be leaving not mom not Huey and definitely not me!" Liam's voice was light but firm, he spoke with respect but also sharpness. I've never heard him speak like that, it sounded possessive, like he had authority.
Definitely turned me on.

His fathers face was shocked as well as Linda's. She got up and backed away towards me. There's not much to hide behind but at least she finds it safe behind me. That's a sign she likes me.

"Liam who are you talking to? Your fag ass shouldn't even be able to talk to someone like me!" Liam scoffed and simply took the knife out of his fathers hand. I was surprised he got it so easily. Liam placed in on the counter.

"Sam, leave my house." His father who's name I now know is Sam, straightened himself. He looked astonished, he backed up but still yelled as if he wasn't scared.
Everyone knew he was though.

"This is m-my house!" Even with what he said he backed up to the door.
Liam just looked at him, if looks could kill...

"Get your ass out my house Sam!" Liam pointed to the door and his father left. Easy as that, he just left. Nothing said nothing done. Wow, I haven't seen that side of Liam before. Even when I was pinned up against a locker with his fist in my face.

Oh my god thank you for 600+ reads!!! :)

-Lilly <3

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