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You ever hurt so bad you can't feel

You ever feel so broke you can't heal

Hearing voices no one else hears

Hiding pain no one else can bear

Missing people that don't wanna be there

You wanna fall in love but you're scared

Scared that one day they won't be here

You build your walls high

Until it's 2am in the middle of the night

Crying and slitting on your thighs

Dying every day little more inside

You ever been on the edge of loving

Hanging on a cliff and trying not to fall

Then you slip and it hurts twice as hard

One little move and you crumble like a house of cards

Try to pick yourself up then fumble again

This battle in your head is getting harder to win

Every day you're getting closer to the end

Every day losing more and more friends

Losing more of myself

I know I need it

But won't accept help

Scared one day I'll be 6 feet under the ground

Pushing people away

But I blame them when they don't stay

Mixed EmotionsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin