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When you're in love

Sadness fades

When sadness fades

It builds up

When it builds up

It becomes stronger

When it becomes strong enough

It hits you

Right in the heart

When it hits you

You fall

You cry

You even die inside

When you die

You change

You sicken

When you change

People ask questions

People begin to miss the old you

When People ask questions

You think

You wonder

What you could have changed

What you could have done different

When you think

You become depressed

You become shallow

When you become depressed

You have to pick yourself back up

You have to get back on your feet

No matter how hard it is

When you get back on your feet

You slowly become you again

People stop asking questions

People stop worrying

But people still talk

When the subject comes up

You break a little

You cry until your fine

Then you get back up

Eventually you fall in love again

And the spiral starts over

Because when you fall too hard

You hit the ground too hard

But you get back up

Because you know you can

Because you know

Happiness can't only be in dreams

I know

I've found it and I've lost it

Mixed EmotionsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ