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Sisters, Brothers

Fake, Segregated

Taking sides, Not the family's greatest heights

Broken Hearts, Torn Apart

Loving Hopes, Ruined by dopes

A Father, at times a Mother too

7 Daughters

4 Sons

Thousands of Memories, Some not Fun

A Grandfather, A Grandmother too

35 Children

Memories you Hope will Never Fade

It seems just like a Summer Haze

A Fisher, A Baker

Some days on the lake

Some spent baking a cake

All of it just a Daze

Compared to all the Craz'

Of all this compassion

Friends and Family

Please don't Sob

You have each other

And that's a lot

I'll see you on the Isle

In just a short While

Don't Forget the Bait

And Please don't Hate

Join Together, Integrate

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