Mason didn’t know why, but he trusted this Old Angel for some reason. He didn’t even try to get his sword back from this Fallen one. “Old Angel, you have plans…” Mason said, eyes a bit narrowed at the Fallen Angel. Did he plan to kill Mason? After all of this?

     “Young Angel, you must kill me… If not, then one of your own will kill me and take the glory for it. You will be cast aside, and only spoken to when necessary. After this, if you do not kill me, you will be sent to the world below. You will be there to watch over the Rose in a Garden…” He said, handing the sword to Mason. “Kill me. I’m willing to die by the blade of a Young Angel. By your blade, I will be slain and you will take on glory if you choose. Kill me, Mason.” He said, complete warmth in his eyes and voice.

     So he explained two ways this would end… what would happen if he killed him, and if he didn’t. Glory? Glory for killing this Fallen one… Is that what he truly wanted though? Mason’s mind wandered before he made up his mind. “Old Angel, your life will be spared. End this war, and I will promise your life.” He said. Of course Dyson would let him live… if he ended the war peacefully, then wouldn’t Dyson respect the old angel enough to keep him alive?

     The old Angel sighed, shaking his head. “This war will not end until my blood stains the floors of the Council Hall… I’d rather it stain the blade you carry than the floors that will forever hold the feet of the hidden Fallen.” Mason didn’t understand him now. The old Angel now was on his good side for some strange reason. “I will not kill you.”

     As Mason placed his sword down, a cry was heard from the distance. Razael sighed, shaking his head. “Please remember my words young angel… They were my last.” He said, walking towards the angel that charged for them.

     Mason’s eyes flew open with surprise. “Tempo!?” He cried, just as the Angel’s blade slashed the old Angel’s head away from his body. Mason watched, strangely horrified at the sight. Tempo, a young Angel like Mason was the one to be glorified.

     Mason stared off into space as he spoke. I didn’t know what to think. I heard about the war once before… but not like this… I was always told by my grandmother that Razael was evil. I feared him when I was young. Now I hear that the Angel of Death was actually kind? All the stories I’ve heard before this point were completely different than this…

     “Mason… What are you trying to say?” I asked, not sure of what to think about this legend anymore. The stories I was told… were they all lies to persuade me to follow a path laid out for me? It didn’t make any sense.

                Mason was still silent. Not a single hint of expression even shaded his features. It was as if he didn’t plan to tell me anymore. He finally turned to me, looking me in the eyes as he spoke. “You have to figure that part out on your own, Evie.” He said quietly, a questionable sorrow clouding his eyes.

                So I had to figure it out. Mason, the boy I’ve known for years is telling me something that I can’t even begin to understand. How does this work? What questions should I even be asking myself? The emotions that rush through my veins are confusing my mind and heart. After a moment of thinking of some kind of question to ask, I came down to something. I almost didn’t want to know the answer to this, but I had to know the truth. Maybe Mason could tell me that truth I was looking for.

                “Mason,” I began, already sounding hesitant, so much for being unaffected.  He looked at me with a serious look carved into his face. “Yes? What is it?” He asked, already sounding frantic over my question. Could he possibly know what I am going to ask?

The Reaper's Keeper © Shelby CМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя