♚ i'm always going to be your partner

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**THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 100K ❤️❤️ As promised, here is Soren's POV. I chose to do their confessions the night he showed up at Julio's apartment.

It's a mess. But it's a mess on purpose. Just remember, Soren was drunk and desperate and SAD that night. There's a lot of repetition, there's a lot of devotion. What Soren feels for her sober is intense, but drunk... he was unraveling.

He's... in love with her. We know that now. But what he feels is a lot of things combined. He puts Lacey on a pedestal. It all mixes into a dangerous thing. There's a lot of panic and paranoia and self-loathing and heartbreak in this one. But there's also a lot of determination and relief and worry and LOVE. ❤️

I also hope it all gives you an insight of Soren's addiction to besos. Anyone want to count how many times he wants her to kiss him? 😂😂 it's a lot.

♚ ♛


It came out of her lips rushed and frantic and so fucking worried. I wanted to cringe, but I could only stand there in awe, looking over her expression.

For one split second, there were too many emotions fighting to win. Anger, frustration, relief, worry, love. It was a smear of everything that Lacey always seemed to keep painted across her face.

And then she was pressed against me, deliciously pressed against me. Warm, tight, beautiful. Warm.

"Soren, oh my god, Soren!" she cried out into my neck, somehow sending a sharp crack right to my heart. How could she still be worried about me? She didn't want me anymore.

Lacey wasn't my partner anymore.

Some desperation ripped through me at the thought and before I knew it, I was tangling my fingers through that beautiful fucking hair and I was slamming my lips onto hers.

I couldn't lose Lace.

"Lace, fuck, I'm so happy to see you."

She was the only good thing that had ever come out of this.

Too sweet. She was too sweet for all of this.

Numb as they were, my fingers brushed long her searing hot skin, sending a jolt through me. Fucking Lacey.

She was burning up and I would be damned if I didn't go down in flames with her.

She jerked back suddenly, and two small hands wrapped around my forearm to pull me. "What the hell happened?"

What the hell happened?

It was a blur. A big, bloody, messy blur. I didn't want to think about it. I wanted Lace.

She would clean me up and kiss me and tell me that it was okay.

My shaky hands fumbled with her t-shirt, unsure of how to pull it off of her. I didn't even want it off of her. I just wanted her skin against mine. I wanted her to kiss me.

Fuck. I wanted her to kiss me right now.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Lace."

She would never forgive me. She would never let it go. I'd left her. When I left her in that bed, I left her alone. My partner.

Lacey hissed against my grip, and it was a dark, tempting sound that made me moan. I wanted her to hiss and yell and growl and curse at me. It didn't matter, as long as she was with me.

I stumbled at the thought, falling forward against her. Every piece of exposed skin slammed against me in a red-hot explosion of heat. She was steady and beautiful and strong and so fucking warm. "Ughhh." I tried to focus on her lips, but everything shook as the warmth enveloped me. "So warm."

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