
1.2K 9 3

Fucking hell, lads.
80k reads? Holy guacamole I didnt expect so many people to read these.

Ok, first of all I want to apologise for the confusion! This book has been through many statuses. I initially had *ON HOLD* in the title because I hadn't updated in months and I had no inspiration, so I was just kinda waiting for the enthusiasm to come back. Then the enthusiasm didn't come back so I ended up labeling this book as Completed because I really didn't think I would ever update again.

But, lads, season 5 has just started airing and I'm so god damn hyped that I think I'm going to give this another go!

I read through all of my chapters to try and inspire myself and I think its worked. Seeing everyone's comments on my writing had me a lil emotional because I just love that people enjoy this shit. I really love hearing from you guys 😭😭

So yeah, this book has been taken off completed and I'm hoping to add some new chapters with the help of series 5!!!

But I need to ask you guys what you want, because you're obviously the ones reading these:

1) Should I keep adding John and Alfie in the new ones? I feel like I always struggled with Alfie so I might not write for him again. But it's up to you guys for John.

2) I have a feeling this series will include Finn more since he's older and becoming more involved, so should I go through and add him to the previous chapters along with the new ones?

3) Should I keep Isaiah in them? I feel like most people unfortunately don't pay much attention to him in the series, and he doesn't really do much lmao

Anyway, comment answers so I know what you guys want.

I fucking appreciate every single one of you!

Much love! ❤

PS- use this chapter to talk about the new series!! As I'm writing this only 2 eps have been aired, but let me know what you think so far!

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