P#5 - First Kiss

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Tommy isn't one to show affection, but on this night he was. He had taken you to the races, and had seen the way Sabini was looking at you.

Tommy was gripping your hips like you would disappear with the click of Sabinis fingers.

"Tommy, are you alright?" You asked him sweetly, confused at his actions. He had asked you to dance with him, his hands never leaving your body.

"What? Yeah- I'm fine." He lied, looking over your shoulder at Sabini. He wanted to slit the bastards throat as he stared at him.

You and Tommy had been a 'thing' for a couple of days now, but nothing had really progressed. You were surprised when he asked you to the races.

You followed Tommys eyes and you saw Sabini. His disgusting smirk plastered on his face.

"Are you jealous, Mr. Shelby?" You smirked as you faced him again.

"Why wouldn't I be. I want to smack that smirk right off of his face." Tommy whispered in your ear, holding you closer as you swayed to the music.

"Well, let's give him something to look at then." You smiled and cupped his cheeks in your gloved hands.
It was in that moment that Tommy realised he was a lucky man. A very lucky man indeed.

Your lips pressed against his, smiling into the kiss you had been longing for. The taste of whiskey and tobacco entering your mouth.

It was safe to say that Sabini stopped looking.


Your first kiss with John was at your wedding. Seeing as it was the first time you had met, it was the first kiss you shared with him.

The wedding had been planned for a few weeks, but you hadn't found out until the day. John had too.

But as soon as you lifted the veil and set eyes on eachother for the first time, you could tell you could make it work.

The ceremony was short, but you and John spent most of it just looking at eachother.

"I now pronounce you man and wife." Johnny Doggs exclaimed, slamming the book closed.

You looked at John yet again, the both of you leaning in. It was a short kiss that was shared, but it meant a lot.

But you knew it wouldn't be the only one you shared that day.


Arthur had just had another turn. You were the only one in the Garrison as it happened, but luckily it wasn't as bad as some you had witnessed. The sight of Arthur being so broken made your heart ache for him. No man deserved what he had gone through.

You were sweeping broken glass from the floor, the glass he had thrown at the wall and smashed. You didn't mind cleaning it away, after all, it was your job.

"I'm sorry you had to see that... again." Arthur mumbled as he looked at the glass of whiskey you had poured him to calm him down.

"Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault." You smiled lightly at him. The shards of glass were now in the bin.

"It is my fault. My fucking brain won't let the nightmare stop." He gulped down the drink. You knelt down in front of him.

"Its not your fault. The war has changed you. It'll take time." You tried to reassure him.

"Its taken too long. My brothers are fine, so why aren't I?" He asked, not wanting an answer.

You held his hand tightly.

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