P#12 - Prompts

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Greetings, my glorious readers! Just a warning that Finn's writing contains season 5 spoilers for those who haven't seen any of it yet! I'm going to be adding Bonnie more frequently as well so yey! Happy reading :)


"It was the little things that made me fall in love with you. But it was the big things that made me fall out of it."

Tommy had been gone for a while. Unfortunately this was a regular occurrence in the Shelby household. Y/N was never told when he was leaving, or why. And she had grown tired of this.

'Its for your own safety' he would say, but a simple notice would suffice. Especially now that Tommy was the father of her 8 month old daughter, it had gotten harder to handle. Sometimes their child wouldn't settle into a calm sleep unless Tommy was there, and tonight was one of those nights.

Y/D/N had been crying for what felt like hours, and rocking her back and forth simply wasn't helping. Even the nanny had grown tired and given up with the screaming infant, leaving Y/N to handle it. It broke her heart to see her child so sad, needing her father to lull her into the land of sleep. Y/N had asked John, Arthur and Polly where he was multiple times this night. She carried the tired child in her arms as she rang them all, practically begging them to reach Tommy. But she was left with dead ends and apologies.

Y/N was angry. She loved Tommy with her whole being, but she felt as if she was being left to raise their child alone.

That night she packed a bag, getting Y/D/N dressed again and left the huge house that Tommy had. She had gone to Ada, who was her shoulder to cry on after the child had finally ran out of energy and effort to cry for a man who was clearly not coming.

Y/N loved Tommy, but how can she love someone who is never there?


"I never want you to think you're anything but my top priority."     

John wasn't one to forget things, especially birthdays. John was the type of person to write down every anniversary, every event and every little thing that he didn't need. So that's why Y/N was confused when she woke up on her birthday, alone, without John Shelby beside her. 

She had thought that maybe he had just woken up before her and gone downstairs, but alas, he wasn't anywhere to be found. Y/N wasn't a big fan of birthdays, but John always made a fuss over her on this day of the year, so she couldn't help but feel slightly deflated. Shaking her head with confusion, she went back to their shared bedroom to find a note on the dressing table.

'Called into work early. See you at the Garrison later.' 

She sighed when she had read it, thinking he had forgotten her birthday. She got dressed ready for a normal day of business. 

The day got worse as it went on. She had tea with Polly, who was seemingly oblivious to the date. She had even seen Tommy but he was his usual strict self, so there was nothing different there. And she still hadn't seen John even though he was supposed to be at the betting shop.

"Right, I'm locking up and we're going to get a drink," Lizzie said, exhaling dramatically. It was only Y/N and Lizzie left in the building. Everyone else had rushed out as soon as they had finished, and Lizzie had begged Y/N to stay behind for a little longer to help her clear away the papers and make sure everything was in order for the next day. 

"I fucking need one." Y/N grumbled back, throwing her coat on and following Lizzie out into the smoky streets of Small Heath. They linked arms after lighting cigarettes and made their way to the famous Garrison.

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