1. Meeting Tommy

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This is my first imagine, so I apologise if it's terrible.


Grace had left Birmingham a few months ago, and Tommy was a mess. His days consisted of drinking, work, and whores to keep his mind off of the blond beauty he once knew. His family kept out of his personal business, and didn't ask what had happened to Grace. But as the days went by, it was like she didn't exist. But Tommy knew she had, and he also knew there was a high chance she wouldn't come back.

When Grace left Birmingham, Y/N moved in. Her mother lived in Small Heath, and she had become ill. For a few months Y/N stayed with her mother, caring for her in every way possible, until she passed away. Her mother left her the house in her will, and so Y/N made the decision to stay in Small Heath. A week after her mother passed away, Y/N was looking for jobs around the town. The local pub, The Garrison, was the last place she visited. And after at least ten minutes persuading Harry that she would do a good job, he finally agreed to let her replace the old bar maid.

"If a Shelby comes in asking for whiskey, it's on the house. Got it?" Harry made sure she stayed clear from Shelby's. He was fond of Grace, and didn't want Y/N to be driven away like the blond headed girl was.

A few hours into her first day at work, The Garrison was full of happy drinking men. Y/N worked her charm with a few troublesome costumers, and the environment was a lot calmer than Harry was used to.

Y/N noticed the entrance doors open and close, and a tall man stepped in. The noise in the room started to go down as the stranger blew out the smoke from his cigarette. Harry uttered a small warning to Y/N, and she knew he must be trouble. But as he came closer, they made eye-contact until he got to the bar.

Tommy wasn't used to seeing a female behind the bar since Grace, but he felt that she was an acceptance. He was mesmerised by her beauty, and how her green eyes seemed to light up as she smiled kindly at him. If Tommy wasn't a stubborn man, he would have smiled back, and he was close to it. He hadn't even noticed she had said something.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Tommy asked as he continued looking at the beautiful girl behind the bar.

Y/N only smiled and asked again, "What can I get you?"

"Whiskey, darlin'." Tommy replied as he stumped out his cigarette in the glass ash tray sat on the bar.

"Irish or Scottish?" She asked sweetly as she got a few glasses like Harry had told her to do.

"Irish." He said as he put the coins on the table.

Y/N grabbed the Irish whiskey behind the bar. She placed it on the bar in front of him along with the glasses. She saw the coins and pushed them back towards him.

Tommy only looked at her and grabbed the bottle and glasses. He then slid off the stool he was sat on and entered the small private room next to the bar.

"You handled that well, Y/N." Harry spoke from behind her. But she was still in shock.

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