2. Meeting John

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I'm planning on doing 'Meeting ...' for the first chapters. These chapters will include where and how you meet...

Tommy (Last Chapter)

John (This Chapter)





Freddie (?)

In this meeting, you will take the place of Esme.


John was in a stressful mess after finding out Lizzie wouldn't change her ways. The glass of Irish whiskey sat on the bar, remained untouched as his head was spinning. He had no clue how he would look after his children know that they're getting out of hand. His picked the glass of whiskey up and downed it in one, the burning in the back of his throat was pleasing.

His quiet whiskey brake was soon interrupted by a group of Blinders barging in through the Garrison doors. The group included his two brothers, who were making a lot of noise. Tommy soon came up to John with the rest of the group.

"Get up, John. Important things are happening today." Tommy said smoothly and he took Johns glass away.

"Why? what's happening today?" John frowned at his older brother.

"Our war with the Lee's ends today, once and for all.

John noticed the Blinders looking at him weirdly, but let it go as he stood up. Tommy gave him a gun, and started to walk towards the Lee's territory.

Soon enough, figures started to appear around the Lee's territory. But the figures were holding riffles.

"Tommy, what are you playing at? We're in shotgun range." John whispered, obviously worried about the riffles against their smaller guns.

Tommy stopped walking and turned to his brother. The whole group of Blinders were now all looking at John.

"John," Tommy began "before you go into battle, there's something you're going to need."

The Blinders each held up a small white flower. Tommy pinned his to Johns jacket.

"What are you bloody doing, Tommy?" John started to panic.

Tommy put his hands on either side of Johns face.

"Now smile, John. It's a wedding." Tommy gave a small grin. But Johns face stayed the same.

"Who's bloody wedding?!"

"Now if we told you, you wouldn't have come." Tommy's voice was like a slap to the face to John.

"There's a girl in the Lee family, who needs a man." John pushed Tommy off of him in disbelief and tried to escape, but the other blinders wouldn't let him. There was a struggle to keep John in place.

"John! Listen to me!" Tommy's hands were on the sides of Johns face again.

"A girl who needs a husband, and man who needs a wife." He tried to reason.

"Tommy! I'm not marrying a Lee!" John spat back.

"John, if you back out now, there's gonna be one fucking mighty war. It's gonna make the Somme look like a tea party - a fucking tea party, John." He paused.

"But if you marry her, our family and the Lee family will be united forever. And this war will be over.

Johns breathing became calmer as Tommy spoke

"It's up to you, John. War, or peace."

John shrugged the Blinders hands off of him. "Let go of me."

John thought for a moment, and then put a toothpick between his lips. He then started walking towards the Lee's settlement. All eyes were on the Blinders as they walked through the territory.

They walked up to the gypsy woman.

"Well, will he do?" Tommy asked her, as he gestured towards John.

There was a moment of silence as she took in his appearance. She smiles shortly after.

"He'll do." A chorus of loud cheers came from the group.

The wait was short as the Lee family prepared Y/N for marrying a Shelby. But she was soon at the front, kneeling down where she was about to get married.

"Here she is." Tommy pointed out to John.

"She'd better be under fifty." John mumbled.

Tommy took the toothpick from Johns mouth and patted him on the back. "Go on."

John slowly made his way to the front, where he knelt down besides Y/N.

Johnny Dogs started the small ceremony as Ada arrived.

A few seconds went by, and then Y/N lifted the vale that was covering her face. She turned to John and gave him a smile.

John swore he could look at her beautiful face all day and not get bored. His eyes were full of relief.

I'm sorry if this one sucked. I tried not to use the script exactly the same, but it sort of goes along the same lines. Anyway, hope you enjoyed. ❤️

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