P#3 - Lyrics

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The title sounds shitty, but trust me I'll try to make it readable. Basically I'll take a line of a song and use it to write a lil something :) Enjoy. ALSO! I added Finn and Isaiah into these :) A request from a friend. If you want Freddie just comment.

TOMMY ~David Bowie, Heroes

I, I will be king

And you, you will be queen.

You had gotten the call that Tommy was in hospital an hour ago, and you had spent that whole hour waiting for the doctors to say he was okay for visitors. A whole hour of anxiety, and hoping he was going to be okay. This wasn't the first time this had happened, and you had become bored with the same waiting room. Every time he ends up in hospital, he looks worse than the time before. You assumed this was because he gets involved with higher people every time, he calls it business. You remember after a few weeks of being with him, that he had been in hospital. It had began to become a normal occurrence to you. You also remember the threats being thrown at you, and the insults from your family. 'Shelby whore' they called you, and you left them all behind to become apart of his family. But you felt like you deserved better, you deserved a man who wasn't a danger to be around. A man who your family would accept. But you loved Tommy. You loved that his life was different, and you loved that he cared for you and constantly made sure you were safe and protected. He promised that one day you would both be safe from harm, untouchable. That day seemed to be taking it's time coming around.

"He can have visitors, now." A doctor told her as he exited the room.

Tommy looked terrible, you couldn't even recognise him as you sat on the chair next to the bed. You gripped his hand.

"Who was it this time?" You didn't look at him, just at your hand holding his.

"Sabini, guess he found me quicker than expected." He choked out. He daren't look at her.

"When will this stop Tommy? When will I stop waiting in that room?" He couldn't bare to hear her sound so hurt, and he felt extremely guilty. You could be with a man who wouldn't be in danger. But there was no way he was letting you go.

"Y/N, it's like I've promised before, there will be a day. There will be a day when I'm like a king, who can keep everyone I love safe. And you, my dear Y/N, will be my queen."

JOHN ~The 1975, Falling For You

And on this night,

And in this light,

I'm falling for you.

The night of Tommy's wedding had gone by smoothly. Well, it was for people who were oblivious to the Russians making an appearance. But apart from the chat that Tommy gave to the Peaky Blinders before the wedding started, the evening was running smoothly.

Y/N had spent most of her time in the morning making sure Grace was ready, and hoping everything went the way Grace wanted it to go. Grace had trusted Y/N to help organise everything, and she was trusted to talk some sense into people by Tommy. She was also being held responsible for keeping the young children, including Karl and Charles. This job alone was wearing her out, since Ada had left a while ago talking to some guy and so had Polly. So she was currently trying to find Karl, who had run off a few minutes away. With no hope finding him, she looked for people she knew. The first person she found was John. Her and John had only spoken a few times, but he seemed like an approachable man.

"Oi, John. Don't suppose you've seen a tiny human form running around the rooms?" Y/N asked as she approached John. He was currently stood alone smoking a cigarette.

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