I Fell For PepsiCola

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"Pony!" I called. Ponyboy ran down stairs, bringing a bag full of baby supplies. A diaper bag, I think that's what there called.

"I have everything!" He said setting the heavy bag down. Soda was in my bedroom, we all stormed into Two-Bit's house. More like his mom's house. But Soda was feeding Cokka real quick before he head down to the Tulsa Championship Rodeo. Soda and I were invited to be in it. Riding our horses together. Cherry, Evie, and even Marcia were invited. Us girls were the top four best barrel racers.

Darry was talking to Two-Bit's mom and Steve was with Soda. Ponyboy helped me pack the diaper bag full of Cokka's bottles and of course diapers. Two-Bit's mom was bringing Cokka to the rodeo but since most of us were in it, we had to get there early.

"Thanks Pony." I smiled. He nodded and got up. Cherry and Evie were doing the dishes because they were getting bored, probably because they have the horses standing in the trailor and it's spring here so it's cooler weather now.

I walked back to my room where Cokka's crib was, I even added a rocking chair. When I entered the room, Steve was shaking a bottle as Soda rocked Cokka in the chair, humming her the "Stay Gold" song by Stevie Wonder. I stayed quiet and listened to my fiance sing and hum the song to our little girl.

Steve was the first one to see me and smiled, showing his newly fixed teeth. He had them done for mine and Soda's wedding in a few months.
"Hey Macy!" He said out loud.

Soda stopping his wonderful singing and humming and looked up right when Cokka started crying. "Glory, Soda, feed her!" Steve laughed as je tossed the bottle to me and I walked over to Soda and handed him the bottle. He fed Cokka and she stopped crying. For being a sixteen year mama and a seventeen year old father, we're freaking rocking this parenting job. Our first night was awesome, right whem Cokka started whimpering we both jumped out of my bed and fed her.

Soda has been staying with me to help me with Cokka until we can get married and decide which place we live at, the Curtis' or Two-Bit's. Cokka is five days old now and I still have the fatness of a hippo. I've been working oug but it's barely working and I'm eating less and drinking more water.

"Everything is all ready, we're about to leave too." I said and Soda nodded. Aunt Jeannette walked in and smiled.

"I can take Cokka for now, you guys gotta get goin'." She chuckled. Soda and I nodded and we kissed Cokka goodbye and we handed her to Jeannette.

We walked out in our rodeo clothes. Soda looked super handsome in a cowboy hat amd his flannel shirts. I was in a plaid shirt, boot cut jeans and my long blonde hair was french braided down the middle. Soda wore boot cut jeans too and his cowboy boots.

We all said goodbye to everyone and Cherry amd Evie hopped in the front and Soda and I sat in the back. Cherry drove almost an hour to the rodeo. As we arrived, Cherry and Evie and I got our barrel racing numbers. We barrel raced and Soda rode around the arena for fun, he gets to chase and rope the bulls.

We parked and got out the horses. Of course Mickey was angry from being in a trailor for so long that Soda had to get him out first. Then I brought put Minnie. She was calm but inside her eyes, she wanted to run. Cherry amd Evie were already on their horses. "We're gonna go to the practice ring, see how fast we can go today." Cherry smiled and patted Diesel. The trotted off and I stayed back, tacking up Minnie.

"This is our first rodeo together." Soda said. He was already on Mickey, riding him in circles, warming him up. I nodded.

"Sure is!" I chuckled. I hopped on Minnie and Soda and I rode to the practice arena. We trotted, cantered and walked around the practice arena until they sat up barrels. Evie trotted over to me.

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