Pre Rumble Pt 3

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The rumble was in three weeks. Mainly because there were rodeos for the next two weeks that Ponyboy and Soda were supposed to be in. Which, I knew about Soda riding and all but Ponyboy? I was surprised but this gang is full of surprises. I wasn't all that sore but I've seen better days as I'm always dizzy. For almost a week now, I've been dizzy and too weak to go out with the gang. Soda blames himself but I keep telling him not to.

"Hey Macy." Ponyboy smiled as he walked into my room. He sat on my bed, looking around my room.

"Hey!" I replied.

I scooted closer to him, he eyed me carefully and his eyes moved towards my stomach. I eyed my stomach cautiously. He probably thought I was pregnant or not but I knew I wasn't.
"Dude, I'm not," I stopped as Ponyboy folded his arms across his chest and smirked. I cocked an eyebrow at me.
"I'm not sayin' that you are, I'm just sayin' that you're showin' symptoms." Ponyboy leaned forward and whispered.

"Yeah right." I murmured.

"No, I'm serious. Macy, women get pregnant all the time, some on accident. For example, Sandy cheated and got pregnant. You don't have to be ashamed, and I know you're sixteen and I know it's early, but when you're younder... ya kind of conceive faster." Ponyboy smiled, he was satisfied with what he said.

"Um you're fourteen. I'm a little worried 'bout how ya know this stuff." I laughed, wrapping my arms around my stomach under the covers. I couldn't be pregnant, I couldn't!

"Yeah but in my class Living Skills, we're in the sex ed unit. We're... sadly... learning 'bout it." Ponyboy frowned, everyone knew that he didn't like talking about that stuff. He looked at me with a sadden facial expression. I hated it when my "little brother" was hurting. Yeah, I consider Ponyboy my little brother, and judging by our converstaions... he considers me as an older sister.

"What is it?" I ask. I sit up, ignoring the sickening feeling deep down in my stomach. That's odd, during the whole week, I felt completely fine up till now.

"Don't say a word, ok?" Ponyboy asked and I nodded. "Soda and Darry have no problem knocking up girls. Heck, Darry did it at age thirteen! But I don't like that kind of stuff, I ain't into it. To be honest, it's disgusting." Ponyboy confessed. I was shock, he had a sixteen year old girlfriend also.

"Then why were we talking about it?" I ask, feeling a smile creep across my face. Ponyboy shrugged.

"I wouldn't mine having you as an sister 'n law and me being an uncle. That's why we talked about it, I'd be excited if you were baking a cake in the oven!" Ponyboy laughed and I was blushing. He was a cute brother, very cute. Haha.

Soda was walking down the hall and stopped at my door. His smile faded and looked at me. "You ok?" He asked.
I could feel as if my insides were telling me something. I looked at Ponyboy, he gave me a reassuring look. But he was also sending me a message. It wasn't clear. I look towards Soda, he starts to smile and his eyes soften. "Yeah I'm good." Was all I can get out.

Ponyboy's POV

I left Macy and Soda, they started talking about something that I didn't want to stay and listen to. I walked into the living room, Two-Bit was passed out on the couch. Darry was in th kitchen, making scrambled eggs and bacon. I always loved breakfest for dinner. Steve was sitting at the kitchen table with Dally, smoking a cancer stick. I looked out the window, still a cloudy week. The only people out on the streets were Socs. They kept destroying abandoned houses, catching things on fire and throwing beer bashes in our territory. It pissed me off and Darry too. Soda and Steve would always sneak into parties and scare them off when Macy was sleeping. They always had fun doing it. Two-Bit and Darry would chase them off and I'd always stay behind to watch Macy incase if something happens. Dally is always gone and never tells us what he does.

"Ponyboy!" Darry snapped me out of my haze and I looked at him. Everyone, including Macy and Soda, were at the table. Ready to eat dinner. I walk over and sit down. I was  hungry and tired. I needed sleep, early tomorrow morning, Soda's taking me to the rodeo. I was excited for that, the new barn Soda works at now has a paint, she's beautiful.

I look over at Macy, she looked at her food like it was vomit it's self. Golly, if only she'd tell Soda. I know it ain't Dally's but I sure know it's Soda's this time.

"Excuse me, I don't feel to hot." She said quietly. I felt bad for her, but then again, I knew it and excitement boiled in my body and I couldn't help but smile while shoving eggs in my mouth.

Macy's POV

I sat down at the table as Darry called for Ponyboy. Soda was beside me and for the first time, I was really dizzy and the food smelled like vomit. My stomach wasn't settling for this. I wrapped my arms arlund my stomach, I sat there looking at the food. I could feel it in my throat as bile was asking to come out. I swallowed hard.

"Excuse me, I don't feel to hot." I said. My voice was soft but I was afriad to speak allowed, I didn't want anything to come out. Darry nodded and I casually got up and walked to the batbroom. A sudden gag that I couldn't control came up and I pounced on the toilet. Gripping the toilet seat. I felt it coming and soon enough, I let it out. I started to dry heave, hoping and making sure it was all over.

Even if I told anybody, they all would know, like I do now. I'm pregnant. I smiled even though I was scared. Sixteen and pregnant, sounded like a soap opera or something down in California. Someone knocked o. The door and I wiped my mouth with toilet paper and flushed the toilet. I fixed my hair and opened the door, hoping it wasn't Soda. I opened it slowly and Ponyboy appeared, thankfully everyone else was eating still. "Hey Pony." I whispered. Ponyboy waved and smiled. "I told ya." He whispered back.

I sighed and walked out of the bathroom, I quickly grabbed Ponyboy and we both ran out the back door. We ran to the other side of the street, panting. "I don't know what to do." I said, choking back the tears of jly and fear. Ponyboy pulled me into a hug, it was dark out and we weren't under a street light so no one could see us.

"Hey, you gotta tell him." Ponyboy smiled and I shrugged. "I don't know, after the rumble for sure. I want to be in it especially since Soc girls are." I reasoned. Ponyboy shook his head and threw his hands in the air. There was a light behind him, it looked like a camaro car, sky blue. It was parked under a street like.

"You can't! You have to tell him because you can get hurt and harm the..." I cutt off Ponyboy. I saw Socs get out of the car, instead of five, there were seven. I started to breath heavily.

"Ponyboy run!"

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