Rumble Pt 3

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I woke up sweating, Soda was still beside me and I was breathing heavily.  I look at the clock and it's just past three in the morning. I guess I was having a really bad dream about losing the baby and Soda never knowing about it. I slowly got out of bed and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. I was in loose booty shorts and a pink tank top. I wanted to finally smoke but I couldn't, not until I give birth to my child. Instead of going back into my room, I left to go outside. Checking my surroundings and being cautious. I sat on top of an old beat up car, and looked at the stars. It was a full moon and it was bright outside but still dark enough to be night. It was also really warm and I wanted to be out here.

I heard the back door open and I look over. Soda was walking out, rubbing his eyes and smiling at me. I sat up and patted the car hood underneath me. Soda hopped on beside me and we both looked at the stars. I sat up, shaking my head. Remember that Soda was asleep when I told him and he didn't hear me.


"Yes?" He asked. The concern left his voice and he mostly was too tired to notice the fear in my voice. He sat up and looked me in the eye. I made sure I had a blank expression on my face so he couldn't tell I was scared.

"I have something to tell you," I went on. Soda looked me in the eye, he was fully listening. That helped me a little more and I grabbed his hand and held it tight. "I'm pregnant." I whispered. Soda's eyes went wide and his mouth made an "O". He was shock but he didn't let go of my hand. We're both sixteen, too young to have a child together.

"You can't be, we barely did anything!" Soda replied and I shrugged. He laid his hands in his head, I knew he was scared. I was too. Heck, I was carrying the child. Soda finally looked me in the eye, he did look scared but he wasn't mad. A small smile shown on his in the moonlight.

He pulled me onto his lap and we laid there, on top if the car. I felt his chest rise and fall slowly. He cradled me close to him. He never let me go that night until Socs started to patrol our streets. We then jumped off the car quietly and sneaked our way back into the house and to my room. We locked the doors this time because of the Socs. They were taking things way to far, especailly Bob and his little gang of Greasers. I can handle the other small Soc gangs that only beat up Greasers. But Bob and his gang like to try and kill Greasers like Ponyboy. All of this is wrong, why can't we have peace here? When I was six, Socs and Greasers used to get along becayse they helped each other out. Now, were pure enemies and firey souls that want to beat up each other and I'm sittong over here pregnant, watching it all behind the scenes.

"We have to tell everyone. But, I'd like to tell everybody at different times. I'll tell Ponyboy at the rodeo tomorrow if he's feeling better. I'll also tell Steve when we head over to the DX." Soda said. I eyed him, I was the one that had to tell Two-Bit since he's my coysin and only family here at the moment. Jeannette should be here next week, she's been gone a whole month on that work trip. I mean, she was a clothes designer for a small company. Can't be that big. But I didn't want to tell Dally, I couldn't. It'll hurt him and he may go after Soda and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

"Am I telling Dallas?" I asked. Soda looked at me, he knew that Dally stilled cared about me. But we are risking it and Soda smirked. "I have to tell Darry, he'll kill me if you tell him. We will tell him." Soda replied with ease. I couldn't help but exhale and sit on my bed. I decided to close my eyes and Soda got in beside me.


We got up early, anxious to get the day going. The rumble was on and the Socs could come out of nowhere. Soda pleaded that I stay here safe and keep the baby safe. But he knew I couldn't because everyone would wonder why and they've seen me fight already. They'll need everyone they can get.

No one hardly ever spoke that day and to be honest, it was better not to speak. People can die and the fuzz could get involved in rumbles. No wonder why people kept their trap shut. I was itchy and sketchy as a group of Socs circled us. We all were in the house and we weren't ready to leave and fight yet, we were tried and Ponyboy was still groggy from yeasterday night. I mean, I was tired from this morning, talking to Soda early in the morning made me miss sleep.

Darry was by the door, awake as ever. Two-Bit stood near me and Sods was behind me. Dally was with Darry. Steve and Ponyboy were in the middle. We made our littke fighting formation. It would go on like this, Soda always had mine and Two-Bit's back. Two-Bit and I would dight side by side, and we would back up Steve and Ponyboy in the middle. Then Darrh and Dally were up front, and Steve and Ponyboy woyld back them up. I really liked the fighting formation and I think it'll help us in the long run. Darry and Steve were rounding up Tim Shepherd's gang and the Brumly boys. We all were Greaser and of course I was the only female. We getting as much Greasers we could get because Ross made it clear that all Greasers were coming.

I wasn't scared but I sure wasn't ready. As we all drank water or chocolate milk, we woke up enough to be ready. Soda nodded his head, whispering, "Be careful." To me. I nodded and Darry inhaled and echaled. He opened the door and Steve let a rumble yelp, getting all the boys, except for me, pumped up to beat thoe Socs outside our door. Darry went straight to work as did Dally. We all tried our best to stay in formation. Guy swung at me and missed as I ducked. The guy hit Two-Bit and I felt bad. Soda was getting hounded by two guys but he was keeping them in check. I grabbed a Soc and pushed him into a bush, long enough to get me ready for actual fighting stances.

The Soc stood, dizzy but came at me. I threw the first punch, right into the nose of the Soc. He got my good too, but near my mouth. Causing a little blood to drizzle out of the corner of my mouth. Soda saw that and he got mad but I mentioned to calm it down. I threw a punch into the Socs' gut and doged his next swing. This wasn't going to be easg in the daylight. But Ross wanted war, he's gonna get it.

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