The Chase

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Soda's POV

We were leaving the pool party, Steve and Two-Bit went out to find Dally after the incident today with Macy. God, I was gonna kill Dally. Right when Two-Bit told us about it, my heart ached, I felt like it was my fault. If only I could've just told Macy about Sandy and why I was avoiding her. Golly, I have made some stupid mistakes.

Darry and I were headed home, but we stopped and changed into more geaser like clothes, incase of jumping or something. When we returned our task on getting home, Darry broke the awkward silence.
"This breaks my heart, but it's the only way." Darry quietly said. He gave me an upset look that didn't fit him. I couldn't help but think of Ponyboy. Just the thought of him getting jumped and us watching in the background, is just heart breaking.

"Then why are we doing this? Let me take his place!" I pleaded. Darry shook his head.

"No, it's not that simple! Ponyboy walks to the movies all alone, he's vulnerable for this and the socs know it. If Steve or Two-Bit or me or you do this, it would be too obvious that we're looking behind our backs one night, besides we don't walk around all night long." Darry explained. I still hated this plan, he was my baby brother. Mum's perfect little angel.

"Darry, this'll kill him." I complained. Darry nodded, agreeing with me. Finally.

"Yes, but not literally. It may break his spirits. But hey, we're doing this for a good cause. Protecting greasers, it's what we do." Darry eyed me.

I bit my lip, trying to think of a better smartass comment. "Yeah, I guess we can call letting our baby brother purposely get hurt, physically... maybe even mentally. Yeah, that sure is for the greater good." I grunted. Darry shot me a glare but I couldn't help but return a small smile.

"Wow, thank you boys! Trying to trick us?" A unfamiliar voice called behind us. A small blonde headed soc with his buddies smiled.

"Shit," Darry mumbled under his breath. "I'm sorry, honey, what?" Darry looked at them, puffing out his muscles.

"Oh, ok. I see now, but hey... we would be honored to beat the shit out of that rat rag. What's his name, uh Ponyboy?" The blonde laughed and his buddies were whispering and laughing.

"Shut it." I yelled.

The socs were up to something, five against two. But Darry and I rarely lost a fight and if this is where it's headed, we'll win. The blonde pulled out a picture of Ponyboy, then a brand new switch blade.
"Let's see, we would cut here," the blonde cut on Pony's right eye, anger building in Darry's eyes. "Mmm, what about there, that'll finish him off." It was a school picture of Ponyboy, his smile was precious to us, but the blonde cut right on Pony's throat. I thought right then and there Darry was gonna lose it.

"You listen here, we'll rumble with ya if you keep a good distance from Ponyboy, you hear?" Darry's voice was rising. I didn't really want to stay, I wanted know why Darry just said that. The whole plan was to have Ponyboy get jumped then we'll rumble. The socs nodded and the blonde smiled.

"Ah, goody. We'll tell Ross. He'd love to hear about that. Especially Bob." The blonde walked off, I pulled Darry back. We needed to get home, it was getting late and Ponyboy must be there. He has too, besides no smartass plan by Tim Shepherd.

"Get 'em!" The socs called behind our backs, before we could think, Darry and I took off. We didn't want to fight, we weren't ready right now. We just wanted to get home. We were sprinting, every adrenaline rush rushed in every blood vessel and vein.

I was tired, and we needed to go somewhere... we needed backup.
"Find Two-Bit and Steve. I know where Dally is." Darry said through the gasps of air.

"Excuse me, I thought you didn't know!" I yelled back, hearing my foot steps pound the pavement of the road.

"I lied! Now go!"

I rolled my eyes and turned, two socs followed me. I smirked, I was just a tad bit faster but that was all I needed. I didn't realize how far we ran away from my house until I realized I was lost. But I just kept running in my direction. There was an intersection and cars were passing so I stopped and faced the socs. They were tired but they weren't done. They didn't seem ready to throw a punch, I sure wasn't. The light turned green and I started ro run.

"Stop!" The soc cried, I stopped in my path but when I turned, a car rammed into me. I rolled on the windshield and fell to the ground. My hips were numb but I could still feel them. My head was pounding and I felt a warm liquidly substance on my hips, I moved my hand down there and I saw blood, a lot of it. Agony was all over, I winced everytime I moved.

"Someone get my brother," I moaned. The socs stood in shock. It didn't dawn on me until one of them was Randy.
"Hey, I'll stay with him. You guys go get his brother and the ambulance!" Randy shouted. The yells and hollers pierced through my head. I could feel blood drizzle out of my nose.

"Randy, why?" I asked. Randy bent down and he was in shock.

"I--I have no more friends. Marcia moved and Cherry left for a two week vacation." Randy slowly said. I nodded slowly despite the pain I felt with every movement.

"I'm not gonna be able to stay conscious, I'm gonna become unconscious..." I said slowly, the brightness was becoming to bright for me to handle, my eyes fluddered shut. My breathing slowled, but to me, it felt like sleeping. And I didn't know that I was hanging on by a thread.

Darry's POV

I was coming to a stop when the socs were begging me to.
"What?" I yelled, I wasn't in the mood for their unnecessary humour.

"It's your brother, he's been slightly hit by a car." A soc quietly said. I began to ran back, back to where we split. Back to where my brother my lay, dying. Alone. With no one there by his side to comfort him.

We already lost Johnng, we especially can't lose Soda. Not now, not ever. I didn't care, the worry and tears just came and they wanted out. I gave them what they asked for, I let my tears fall and I let the worry shown.

Hello guys!
I know that this story is basically about how a girl fell for Sodapop Curtis. Well, what a better way for Macy to fall for him more is by death? Right? Read the rest to find out!

I Fell For PepsiColaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant