No Jazz ~ Rumble Pt 1

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We started to run but more Socs pulled up at the other end of the street. We started to run back to the house but Ponyboy was pulled back. I stopped in my path. It was Bob, he had a blade to Pony's throat. I was about to scream but another Soc stepped towards me, pointing a blade at me. "You yell, we'll kill all of them in there." He pointed at the house just down the road.

I nodded and stood quietly as Ponyboy struggled to gef free. One Soc stepped out into the blackness, it was Randy. "Randy, what the hell man?" Ponyboy asked. He was struggling to get free. Randy frowned and he looked down, he looked hurt and upset. He deserved to feel like that, he was our friend, Cherry's and Marcia's too. God, he even was Marcia's boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, I--" Randy was saying but stopped because the leader Soc stepped up, cutting him off. "We all wanna show you something, we promise, no jazz before the rumble." He mumbled, I could tell in Bob's eyes that he wanted to use that blade on Ponyboy. But in the other Soc's eyes, he didn't want to use the blade. Not on me, or anybody.

He walked up to me, holding me as another soc tied my hands behind my back. I didn't say a word, neither did Ponyboy. We didn't want to risk saying anything stupid that'll get us killed. I mean, not like I had anything mean to say, it was my actions that I was worried about. Ponyboy, as young as he is, didn't want to obey. Causing Socs to get him good in the gut. He weased as they hit over and over again. He finally gave up and they started to walk us down the road. I was the only one with my hands tied, how rude. Maybe because I was a girl and they planned on doing something.

Darry's POV

Soda washed the dishes as Two-Bit and Steve messed around in the living room acting like wild horses. I kept my eye down the hall, wondering where the hell Ponyboy and Macy is. Yes I was worried but why would they be in hiding?

Soda walked up to me and nudged me. I gave him a annoyed look and Soda looked taken back. "What's wrong with you?" He cracked a goofy smile. Man, Sodapop Curtis can make people smile whenever they try not to. I turned toward him and pointed down the hall. I knew all to well that Ponyboy doesn't hide from me unless if he's hiding something. I also knew he wouldn't run away again, we were getting along great now.

"You know where Macy and Ponyboy are?" I asked. Soda looked down the hall and shrugged. "Dunno, I'll look though." Worry was in Soda's happy voice.

He started to make his way down the hall, searching calmly in all of the rooms. They weren't here and I already knew that. Steve and Two-Bit stopped what they were doing and walked over to me. "What's going on?" Steve whispered. I turned towards him, I already knew that he didn't really like Ponyboy but I knew Two-Bit did so I broke the silence.

"They're gone." I replied.

Dally sat up from the couch were he was taking a nap. He rubbed his ehes and looked at me. "Did you guys check outside? They could be out there man, geez, don't get worked up." Dally mumbled.

"No I didn't check outside. Hey don't tell me want to do, bud."

"Why and Why?"

"Because, I'm leader. Also beacuse," I had to think a minute. I never really thought to look outside, damnit I was turning into Ponyboy. I sighed and walked over to the window to take a peak. There were cars... nice cars that people around here can't afford. I took in a deep breath, I squinted my eyes.  There were no Socs around, nor Ponyboy or Macy. My mind started to think about the worst possible answer to this situation. "Oh no," Soda whinned, "they're gone, they took them." He looked scared. Really scared.

Two-Bit dropped his beer on the floor, the liquid substance spilling out onto the floor. I didn't even care, we needed to go and find them. I didn't even have to speak, everyone including Dally were already standing beside the door, waiting for me to do something.

I just took off running down the street. The Socs cars were facing the park so theh had to be there. Soda and everyone else kept close behind, I could hear the low growl from Two-Bit. That was his cousin and his little buddy out there, my little brother.
We ran into the park,  a group of Socs were sitting beside a swing set, smoking and drinking.

They saw us and we ran up to them. They didn't move from their postion, they didn't run. "Where are they?" I growled, trying to contain my anger. The Socs laughed, they were really drunk.

"No jazz 'fore a rumble!" One said with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. I shook my head, the was a Socs sitting on a swing. He looked like he was crying, well he did. He wasn't anymore, he looked empty. I walked passed the drunk Socs, Steve and Dally satyed with them. They were messing around and talking to them. Soda, Two-Bit and I walked up to... Randy.

"Where are they?" Soda asked softly. Randy looked up at us with saddened eyes. He still had tears in his eyes and yet he refused to let them go. "My cousin, damnit, tell me where she is?" Two-Bit asked inpatiently. Randy shook his head slowly.

"I liked Ponyboy, he was a nice kid," Randy began. What did he mean liked? "I never wanted this life, I hate being a Soc. I finally see what we do to you guys. I'm sorry, Ross threatened Marcia and I had to join him." Randy was now crying. I tried to wash away negative thoughts.

"What are you trying to say?" Soda pleaded. Randy looked up and pointed near the death pond. It was three blocks away from the park. But everyone called the pond that because Socs used to kill greasers there and dump them into it. "No, please, no." Soda couldn't help it and I pulled him away from Randy before he made a stupid ass decision.

"Bob wanted to kill Pony, and Ross wanted Macy to himself." Randy whispered. I tensed up. Not Ponyboy, not the baby, not my precious baby brother...

I thought Two-Bit was going vomit, he gagged as Randy said that Ross wanted her. These new Socs, I'll tell you, they're stupid and big ass jerks. Soda looked frantically at Steve and Dally. "Come guys, let's go!"  Soda cried out. Everyone except the Socs followed Soda. This is the fastest I've seen him run in awhile. We ran our hearts out and we kept running until we started to smell the murky, sewer smelling pond. We stopped at the treeline and there we were. Bob was just walking from the docks, huge smile on his face. Macy was unharmed and a relieved exhale came from Two-Bit.
Where was Ponyboy? Soda gripped the tree hard, causing him to cut up his hand. Screw it. I thought.

I ran at Ross, at Bob, at the two other Socs that stood with them. They are dead, they all are dead to me. I don't give a damn about waiting for a freaking rumble. It starts tonight, tonight... we beat the Socs heads in.

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