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The movie was fun and coming home was the best part. Darry made some cake and I ate most of it. The boys made fun of me but I craved it. Oh my it was so good.

Steve decided to take Evie to the Nightly Double, at midnight. Apparently, it was date night there and Steve was taking Evie to it. Soda slept on the couch most of the time, Ponyboy was sleeping and I had no one to talk to except for Darry. I headed towards the kitchen and helped him clean it.

"Darry?" I asked. He looked at me, smiked and went back to work.

"Yeah?" He mumbled. I sighed.

"I'm sorry. I bet you're mad at Soda about me and the pregnancy but I hope that you don't stay mad. It was my choice, I was in a totally difderent mood that night and I love your brother so much and I hope that maybe one day I can be more to Soda. I honestly see my future with Soda. So if you please except this, Soda'll be happy." I said.

Darry looked up and sighed, he folded his arms and sat the towel down. He was tensed, showing his dominance over me and well... over the others too. "Macy, I was mad. Very mad. He's sixteen years old and actually in a about a couple of days, he'll be seventeen. He's too young to be a father. But... he extremely loves you and no one else. Talks about you all the time, so I'm happy. Ponyboy is thrilled and so is everyone else. So, I'm not mad anymore, I just wish he knows what he's getting into. That's all." Darry smiled.

I ran up and hugged him, he was surprised but hugged me back. I pulled apart and rushed to the couch. Soda was gone and I went to check on him in his room, he wasn't there. I sighed and looked out the window. Sure enough he was with Two-Bit smoking and... drinking. I rushed outside to join the fun except for drinking and smoking.

"Hey Sodapop Curtis and Two-Bit Mathews!" I laughed. I was almost skipping when I finally arrived.

Soda had red puffy eyes. He stifled and took a long drag from his cigarette. He looked like he wasn't really in the mood to talk and speak. Two-Bit took off his leather jacjet ans tossed it on the ground, also taking a drag from his cigarette.

"So Macy, how's your nighg going?" Two-Bit asked casually. I shrugged and smiled, sticking my hands in my blue jean short pockets, flipping my hait to the side. "It's going good, talked to Darry about the pregnancy. Yeah it's going good." I smiled.

I smiled. Remembering how happy my dad was when he got Cara pregnant. He was smiling and he his eyes were wide. He loved Cara but je loved his mom. Mom, Soda mom died and so did his dad. Maybe he was scared about me having a baby without no one to run to or ask for help. It was only him and me.

"Sodapop, follow me," I smiled. I was dragging him into their backyard, taking the cigarette from him and his beer can. "Talk to me." I pleaded.

Soda finally smiled, "you know, I don't know how to care for a baby or anything. I'm really scared an---" I cut him off.

"Stop, I love you." I said quickly. He stood frozen, smiling but he didnt say anything. "So what is it, can you be my boyfriend?" I asked. He was still smiling wide and it was like he couldn't move.

He said yes and that night got even better because Ponyboy heard about it and went crazy. He was yelking and smiling. Darry was even smiling. Two-Bit and Soda exchanged a few words.

Then it hit me, I was supposed to leave in a month to go back to school. I couldn't leave, not now. Not when I was finally dating Sodapop and when I'm pregnant. I decided not to talk the rest the night, I decided to actually head home this time with Two-Bit. I was wishing Aunt Jeanette would come home, not because I was scared but I needed some advice. I didn't want the state to take away my baby. Two-Bit was talking about it also, about how I'm super young and I could use some help. I could definetly use help, I'll even need a job for the most of the time, then I could take maternity leave.  I could plan this all tonight if she was home.

I kissed Soda goodnight and hugged the others goodbye. I hoped into Two-Bit's car and he drive me all the way home. Aunt Jeanette wasn't jome yet but she did call us on the home phone saying she be back late tonight. I honestly couldn't wait for her, I was tired. Literally, even if I had cups and cups of coffee, I wouldn't be able to stay awake.

I fell alseep when we got home, well I was so drousy enough to be considered asleep to the wide awake Two-Bit. He carried me all the way to my bed, laid me down and turned off the light. I was so thankful for him to be my cousin, I was happy to be family with all of the gang members. Maybe not by blood but maybe by our bond.


"Rise 'n Shine!" Two-Bit yelled as he came walking in the door. I sat up and yawned. Two-Bit had a really expensive box of chocolates in his hand. "My ma' thought you'd like these, she came home and I told her about you're pregnancy and she is so happy for ya." Two-Bit smiled and handed me the box of chocolates.

"She wasn't mad?" I asked opening the box of chocolates. There were so many different kinds and they smelled so good.

"She was at first, but when I told her that it was Soda's baby... let's just say I haven't seen her happier." Two-Bit replied. Relief washed over me, almost sending a cool wave of air at me. It was real nice to actually feel relaxed after the last three or four weeks.

"That's good," I smiled, taking in the first piece if chocolate. Two-Bit was staring at the box. "Wow, geez... here ya go!" I laughed tossing him two pieces at him. He caught one with his mouth and the other with his hand.

I stood in front of a full body mirror, examining my stomach, it was very little. I couldn't see it until I touched it. Just thinking in about nine months, a miracle is gonna pop out. Soda's baby boy. I have a feeling it's gonna be a boy, he's gonna grow up just like is daddy and be the toughest Greaser out there, my baby boy. Our baby boy.

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