Pre Rumble Pt 2

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Macy's POV

We we all very quiet as the Socs walked up to us on the football field. I stood near Darry as the others stood behind us. Us two werebthe key parts.
"Hello, Darrel." The leader Soc said with a huge smile. His eyes moved slightly towards Ponyboy then back to us. All of my muscles were tensed and I wasn't really enjoying this feeling. I needed to relax.

"Hello, Ross." Darry replied. His eyes were ice cold and didn't show emotions. He turned towards me, nodding for me to give the Socs the piece of paper I held tightly. I can hear Ponyboy's heavy breathing behind me. My wavy blonde hair flowed behind me and I slowly walled up to them. If they touched me, I had to allow it. If they spoke to me, I had to keep quiet. Those were the rules made long ago. Ross met me in the middle, ans I slowly handed him the paper.

I lool back towards the gang, giving them an emontionless look. Soda didn't like this one bit, he kept shifting from one foot to another. Slowly cracking his knuckles to calm him down. Two-Bit had the scariest grin on his face as he sipped on his beer through the straw. I couldn't help but smile slowly. Steve had his arms folded across his chest, glaring at the Socs with pure hatred. Ponyboy had a fearful facail expression that told me a clear message, he was scared. Now Dally, he smoked.

"Ah, so you want a clean... no weapons rumble?" Ross leaned in towards me ear. I closed my eyes and stood still.
I'm not allowed to answer... don't speak.

"You know, you are very georgous." Bob said walking up to me. I rolled my eyes while my eyelids were shut.

"Come on boys," Darry finally called. He walked up to me and stared down the Socs as I opened my eyes. I walked backwards towards Soda and he embraced me with his long muscular arms. "So, the rumble." Darry snapped as he got the Socs attention. "We need to plan it." He finshed.

I felt weird being here, I felt weird standing here. Ponyboy knew it. He turned towards Soda and whispered something. Soda then whispered sonething to Darry. What was happening? Soda grabbed me hand and we walked off. No one seemed to care, especially the Socs.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Soda's jaw tightened, he knew something.
"We're leaving before anything saucy happens." Soda said. I could feel someone, staring at me. It didn't feel right, I mean no stares feel right but this stare was different. But I was tok scared to look back.

"Soda." I moaned. Soda's eyes went wide and I realized what I said. I turned him on. This is cute, I like this. Soda's face was red and I couldn't help but laugh and smile. "Oh god I love you." I mumbled with a hint of moaning again.

Soda couldn't help it, his face became even brighter red. He didn't know what to say or do. But I loved doing this, turning on boys was fun.
"Um Macy, you're kind of doing something to me that I can't control." Soda mumbled. I felt my smile grow. I didn't realize that I was walking up their stairs.

The house, that was fast. I didn't remember walking because I was too focused on Soda and teasing him.
"Oh honey I know. But I love it!" I mumbled. Sods finally looked at me with a smile. I knew what he was thinking and I knew it and i was thinking it too. I wanted it to happen.

"We can't do it now, I'd love too but--" I cut Soda off. I looked at him straight in the eye. "Tell me, do you love me?" I asked whiling I but my lip. I got myself in the feels. I know I said no to doing this with Dally, but he was rough and forced me. I knew Soda will soft and easy. He's just thay kind of guy.

"Golly, I love you." Soda smiled. I pulled him to me and I looked into his eyes. I wanted this. Badly, I was already in the feels so why not feed those feels? "Then do it. I wouldn't have done those things just to be mean." I whispered in Soda's ear. He squinted his eyes clised and walked away from me. He rubbed his beautiful greasey hair and walked back to me, smashing his lips on mine. I let him take the lead as we walked into my bedroom. I kicked off my shoes and laid on the bed as I slowly took his shirt off. I helped him take off my shirt and pants and there I lay in my bikini. Soda chuckled and rubbed my sides slowly but he did it with such care. We kissed more, using our tongues. I enjoyed this, and I never ever want to leave this place.

I moved my hands down to Soda's pants and pulled those stinkers off. We lay there in our 'leftovers' but I knew those wouldn't stay on anytime soon.

"Do you want to go farther?" Soda asked me. He had his hands on my bra strap, I knew he wanted to pull kr maybe rip everything off of me and so I nodded. He did that revealing everything and he did the same for my bottom piece. I took of his underwear while kissing and our bodies finally touched. A chill flew through me and excitemenr rise with that. I giggled a few times as Soda found my tickle spots on my sides.

I stopped kissing me and I could see his smile fade and guilt build up on his face. "If I get you..."

"Stop, I'm risking it. But even if I do, it'd be a miracle." I whispered. Soda nodded and he rubbed my legs. I knew what he was about to do and I was scared. I never had sex before and I tried to hide the fear on my face. Thank god for turned off lights. I was ready for this, I was ready...


We laid there, naked in my bed. I was tired and Soda was too. That was fun, I have to admit it but Soda reassured me that we didn't do it to long enoigh to get pregnant. I was ok with that but it honestly wouldn't hurt me to get pregnant mostly because one, I was writing my mom a letter saying that she needs to buy that mare, two, I was going to stay here wether she liked it or not.

Soda pulled me close and kissed me, but as I looked at the time, it was seven o'clock and the gang should be home any minute. I sat up but pain in my waist shot up and I gasped to it. Soda realized it and punched the bed.
"I knew this was a bad idea." He mumbled getting dress. I shook my head. I knew why if hurt, first time means I lost something and that something popped. Of course I was gonna be in pain.

"No you're good. I know why I'm sore." I smiled. Soda shook his head and helped me get dressed. After that, we heard the frony door open and we heard cheering. "Um, act like you're asleep ok?" Soda asked. I nodded and he quickly covered me with the blankets and left my room. I closed my eyes and I didn't hace to act, I fell asleep very quickly.

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