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Ross was a new soc, moved all the way from Houston Texas, from his big city mansion. He was best friends with Bob and Randy liked him too. Randy always said he was funny and a good guy to be around. But one time in gym class, I remember we were running the mile. Everyone knew I was the fastest kid in school. Ross never liked me because of it, he's always been called the fastest kid at his old school. I ran the mile, Ross ran it with me too. I was going easy with him but when we reached the fourth lap around the track, I picked it up and ran faster then him. He picked it up too but I had him way beat. When we finished the mile, I won it a full thirty seconds before him. Everyone laughed at him, and he sworn at me. I remember him saying "you better watch your back, greaser. I can come from all angles." I never really encountered him again but I've always seen him in the halls at school.

"So, what do you want?" I asked, hiding the heart skipping fear I had or Ross. Someone was getting out of his red corvette, Sandy.
"Ross leave him alone. You helped me find him, now leave!" Sandy raised her voice. I never seen her raise her voice like that. I never heard her raise her voice, not even when she was in our bathroom with Sodapop. Ross rolled his eyes and went back into his car. Sandy srayed with me and gave my a friendly smile.
"So Ponyboy, I know you hate me. You don't have to act nice." She gave me a nice smile. I shrugged that off and ignored it in my mind.
"Sandy, you shouldn't be here. Soda's right over there," I pointed at the pool party down the street. They were still having it. I even saw Darry in the pool now. "But I guess you need me for something, what is it?" I finshed looking back at Sandy.

"I only told Macy and my family this. But, I lost the baby. Soda's baby. I know you all think I got pregnant from Robby but I didn't. I got sick right after I did it with Robby. That's how I knew Soda was the father." Sandy looked hurt and upset. She wasn't lying and I was shocked. My brother could've been a father to a chil he now will never ever get to meet.
"Wait, you weren't going to tell Soda?" I asked, letting a little anger out but not letting Sandy know it. Sandy looked back at Ross who was eyeing her closely.
"I wanted to but he'd just think I was lying. And I'm not. Ponyboy, I was looking forward to having this child." Sandy wanted to cry but she was keeping it strong. Sandy dug in her leather purse that only a soc could afford, and pulled out a letter. "Here, give this to Soda. It explains everything. But it's basically about me breaking up with Bob and asking Soda if we can start again. And possibly get married like we both wanted to." Sandy hugged me and I took the letter. She turned and walked back to Ross. He had a mischievous grin on his face. He rolled by me slowly in the corvette.
"I'll be back with more that you can't fight off." Ross warned and sped off, down the road. I opened a letter and started to read it.

Dear Sodapop Curtis,
           Wow, this must've been the sixth time writing a letter explaining all of this. But all of this, is worth the wait.

Soda, I know I hurt you. Hurting you, hurt me. I cried myself to sleep everynight when everyone figured out I cheated on you after we finely made love. I was scared because I didn't know what came next. But I dumped Robby, and met Bob. I've heard Bob is the ex of your brother's girlfriend Cherry? But, anyways, Bob helped me throughout the pregnancy I once had.

Once had. Yeah, I miss carried the baby because Bob and I got in a fight (my stress levels were off the chart when I went to the hospital and doc said that's why I miscarried) as I finely realized that I was hoping from guy to guy to forget you. My heart loved you still even though I tried so heard to forget you. But I couldn't forget the years we had together.

But here is some good and sad news. When we spent the night at my parents house when they were out on vacation, and we made our love, that love is what made the baby I had once carried in my stomach. Yes, that babg was yours. Not Robby's. Robby and I didn't even get to fully do it because I ended up vomiting in the toilet and that's when I realized I was pregnant with your child.

Please, I know you may not believe me but I met up with Ponyboy to give him this note.
I hope one day, not soon because you may have to process this information, but I hope one day, we can start over.


P.S. I shouldn't be telling you this but, Ross and Bob and both of their gangs are meeting up to jump a geaser. I think they're targeting Ponyboy. Please protect your little brother, it can happen anytime...

I needed to get this to Soda, I began to run. Running fast. I leaped over the metal fence and to Soda and Darry. They were eating pizza and drinking beer. Ahhhh, this is what they do when I'm not around.
"One, Soda this is yours. Two, what the hell?" I asked staring at drunk Two-Bit was peeing on the wall of the bathrooms. Thank God for Cherry, she rented us a pool that the public didn't share.

"Nice to see you join us." Steve said, grabbing another piece of pizza. Soda grabbed the letter and sat down. He read it, his face blank and emontionless at first. His eyes became watery, but he held in his tears. God damnit Soda, let them out! I always hated when people held back tears. But I always did it so who cares.

"Oh, and I hope that the last part of the letter makes you happy!" I said focusing my eyes at Darry. He took a peak of the letter. He backed up and hit the table.
"Damn Pony, you think we like this? You think me and Soda will pay to see you get jumped for fun? Is that what you're thinkin'?" Darry didn't raise his voice, that was new. He always raised a voice towards me.
"Yes, you picked me out of all the greasers in town to get jumped by the strongest socs." I grunted. Darry shook his head and did a little angery chuckle.
"No, like I said, we'll be there." Darry responed. I shook my head and started to leave again. Not even looking back at Soda.

"Ponyboy!" Soda called and I ignored. I just walked home.

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