The Dingo

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Macy's POV

We were all in the park playing football except for me and Cherry. We were watching the boys act stupid. It was real funny. The Curtis boys vs Steve, Two-Bit and Dally. Darry got home from his work early because the boss got sick.
Sodapop was the quarterback and Darry was blocking.  Soda threw the ball to Ponyboy and he ran all the way to score a touchdown. Cherry smiled and cheered and Pony gave her a bow.
"So you and Pony, huh?" I asked. Cherry nodded.
"Yeah... we're actually a year apart. I'm older though but we don't let that get in the way." Cherry informed. I thought they were two years apart but I shrugged that off.

They boys played a little more, as us girls talked. Darry tackled Two-Bit and he gave off a groan of pain. The Curtis boys were winning and they were having fun. I wanted to play but Cherrt would sit alone and I didn't want that for her. Then I started to think about Sandy. Who was Sandy? Was Soda cheating on her?
"Cherry, who's Sandy?" I asked quietly. Cherry's smile faded. She slowled her breathing and her eyes wandered towards Soda. He was smiling and having the time of his life.  He just kept getting tackled and throwing the ball to Ponyboy.
"Sandy is Soda's ex-girlfriend. She--" Cherry paused, and shook her head, "you know, Sodapop Curtis is the most happy-go-lucky person. He never deserved what Sandy done to him." Cherry gave me a look of pity.
"What?" I asked. Cherry shrugged, and went back to watching Ponyboy. I watched Soda really close. Every once in awhile, Soda would smile at me and I would smile back. He was too cute.

"Nothing, Macy. It's just all of us... Two-Bit, Steve, Dally, Ponyboy, Soda and Darry... we all treat each other like family. I don't want to see Soda hurt again." Cherry confessed. I sighed and shrugged. Wow, juat met this girl and she thinks I'm going to break Soda's heart.
"Cherry, I would never do that. I wouldn't cheat on a guy I love." I stopped right there, realizing what I said. Cherry realized also and gave me a playful shove.
"Looks like you're in the books of dating honey!" Cherry said getting up.

I didn't realize that we were at the park for five hours straight. Cherey rallied the boys, getting them ready for the party. Evie, Steve's girlfriend was walking towards us. Her brown hait flowing behind her, Steve ran up and kissed her. I stood in awe as she was giggling througj the kisses. I little sigh came from Soda as he stood there.

We all walked down towards the Dingo, Dally walked beside me.
"So beautiful, wanna dance?" He asked as he heard the pop music loud and clear from the Dingo some two miles away. Damn, they had awesome parties, that's what everyone said.
"I think I'm going to sit this one out!" I replied. Dally have me a smirk, right then and there he brought me towards him and kissed me on the cheek. My face became red. Steve did the anual whistle that every boy whistles in their life time at least once. I didn't even think to look back at Soda who was walking behind me with Ponyboy and Darry.
Dally wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I quickly slowed down to where I was with Soda and Ponyboy.

"Wrap your arm around me, please?" I ask. Soda, with a surprised look on his face, did just the thing.
"Why?" Soda whispered. I gave him a look of honestly and pureness.
"He's not the one I love." I whispered slowly. I realized that Ponyboy and Cherry, who held hands in the cutes way, were listening and they have put a low awe in sync. Soda playfully punched Pony in the shoulder.

"Hey now, I was messin' with ya!" Pony said bringing a balled fist up to Soda's face like he was threatening him or something. Soda laughed and we all eventually made it to the Dingo.
There was girls everywhere, dancing with their men. I felt look at Cherry and Ponyboy and they were sitting beside each other at a booth with Steve and Evie. I realized that they were sitting under a sign saying 'Couples Only.' I smiled and Steve gestured us to come sit with them.

"Ah, the newly coupled!" Steve hollered as we sat down. I looked over at Soda who wasn't really buying it.
"Steve, we aren't dating." I replied. Soda nodded and Ponyboy gave me a look. He knew that I like Soda. But did Soda truly like me back?

After a few hours of talking with the gang, dancing along with Cherry and Evie, we all headed outside to have a bonfire. The only people that ended up staying by the fire was us girls.
"So, why are you guys dating your mans?" Evie asked as she chewed on her gum.  Cherry smiled and looked over at the boys. They were talking as a group far away from us girls. They were saying something serious and funny as Two-Bit and Steve always cracked a joke. You can hear their hollers and laughs.
"Well that's not a hard question, I fell for Ponyboy at the drive-in from tje first time we talked. Bob was great, but Ponyboy was greater." Cherry had a twinkle in her eyes everytime Ponyboy was mentioned.
"What about you Evie?" Cherry asked. Evie sat there, lighting a cancer stick, as Dally calls them, then she turned towards us.
"Boy, Steve makes me happy as hell. I never liked him until Sandy and her ex made us go on a blind date! I was happy that they did. I love Steve." Evie  smiled. Listening to Cherry's and Evie's stories made me want to tell the everything. But I didn't as the bkys started to head over.

"Hey ladies!" Two-Bit said, he had a beer in a brown paper bag. He was walking like a duck or a chicken. Wobbled everywhere.
"This is going to be a night I want to forget." Darry said as he sat down in a chair. I was scared by what he meant. But as soon as Steve walked over and grabbed Evie and took her off in the blackness of night, I knew exactly what was happening. The boys were playing Truth or Dare. I new game that has just been invented by actors up in Hollywood.
"Have fun!" Two-Bit called out to Steve. Steve nodded his head and kept walking on. Up next was Ponyboy, who looked nervous as can be. He sat down, next to Cherry and cupped her chin. She knew what was happening, she wanted it to happen. Ponyboy brought her into the long passionate kiss. They weren't using tongues but it was a romantic moment. Soda was standing beside Darry instead of sitting beside me.

"Alrighty, Imma head home. Got to get this girl home 'fore the cops show up."  Two-Bit said as he pointed his finger to a rumble that was happening. Gun shots was heard all over. Steve and Evie came running back to us.
"Guys c'mon! The Socs are blowin' up the place!" Steve said running past the place. I looked around for Dally and didn't see him. Soda grabbed my hand and we booked it, everyone did.

When rumbles involved guns, no one stayed. It didn't sound like real gun shots though, I know that because all them hoods and other greasers were staying behind to fight of the socs who invaded their party.  We ran down all the way to the neighborhood and we all split. Me and Two-Bit headed towards his house, the Curtis boys to theirs, and Steve and Evie to theirs.

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