Rumble Pt 7

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The gang and Socs scattered before the cops arrived. Me and Ponyboy were the only ones near the scene, we were just hiding in a bush and hopping the cops wouldn't find us. I made no sudden moves and I didn't want to risk anything. The cops looked around at the scene and they looked tired.

"Maybe a phoney call." One officer said.

"Maybe, if it wasn't, there'll be blood here, especially from a rumble." The other said while getting into the cop car and they drove off. I smiled and sighed. Ponyboy wasn't easy to carry but it was just me and Ponyboy. But I was the one carrying him, the knocked out little brother.

He was heavy, but not in a bad way. He was slightly smaller than me but he had a good build. But I started to wonder something, Ponyboy could beat the crap out of a Soc, why didn't ge do it this time? It was almost dark and I stayed on the sidewalk, passing the empty house where Johnny used to live. His parents divorced, moved away and now the house sits empty, with terrible memories instead of good ones.

When I saw our house in the distance, the gang was either on the porch, fantically looking around for me and Ponyboy or they were in the yard. I sat Ponyboy on the ground and hollered.

"Darry!" I yelled. He heard me because he ran to the road, turning in circles. He spotted me and I knelt to Ponyboy, Darry and Steve ran up to us.

"Oh God Soda, what happened?" Steve shook me. I just watched Darry pick up Ponyboy and carry him off to the house. I ignored Steve, leaving him mad as I started walking, Dally watched with curiosity. Steve stopped and sighed. "I'm gonna go to my dad's tonight." He stared at me.

Why was be mad at me? Ponyboy is my brother and I know Steve knows that. Why would I choose a friend over a brother? "No, c'mon Steve. We're better if we stick together." Two-Bit nudged him with a smile.

"No, I'm good. See ya in the morning y'all." Steve turned around and jogged home. I sighed and kicked a can of beer my dad used ro drink before he died. Dally shrugged this ofd and we all went inside. We found Cherry and Macy making soup and Evie cleaning the kitchen table.

"Hey guys!" Cherry had a smile on her face, but stood frozen as she watched Darry lay Ponyboy down. She gave me a concerned look and I shrugged.

"He probably has a concussion. He's good." Darry patted Cherry on the shoulder. She smiled and sat beside Ponyboy, sitting his head on her lap. I smiled, dang they were cute.

I walk past Macy and I sit at the table. I gave a little sigh and I smile at her, she gave me a pat on the back and went into the kitchen. She was making dinner for us all, grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans. I loved all of it and I loved her. Evie came up beside me and sat her plate in the table.

"Where's Steve?" Evie asked.

"He went home, somethin' was bothering him. He was mad at me and --" Evie cut me off and stood up. "I know why he's mad at ya. I'll be back." She smiled and grabbed her coat and headed out the door.

Macy looked at Cherry and then they just looked down at their feet. They all know he was mad at me, maybe I scared him. And if I did, he knows I didn't mean too. I'd never mean to scare anyone and that instant, I knew that I did scare him. And when I didn't answer him... I'm a blasted fool. Just like Dally.

"Evie, wait!" I called and ran out the door after her. She was in her beat up, lousy car. I hopped in before she could leave, she smiled and shook her head. "What?" I asked.

She shrugged and started the car. "Nothing. Really." She replied. Steve's house was farther dosn the road than any of the gang members. We drove down the road, silently and undisturbed. When we reached Steve's house, he was sitting on his porch smoking a cigarette. Evie sighed and looked ovee at me.

"I'll go." She said getting out of the car. Steve stood up and jogged to her, they kissed and hugged and all of the other couple stuff. I sat there and watched in awe. They were talking about something because Evie pointed back to me. I tensed up, feeling every muscle tighten at the fact that Steve looked at me

Evie mentioned me to get put of the car, then I relaxed. Without hesitation, I hugged Steve. Choking back tears as they welled up in my eyes. Steve hugged me back and we stood there for about a minute until we both pulled apart. "Hey buddy." I smiled.

Steve smiled back and punched me in the shoulder. "Hey, you scared me to death! Don't do it 'gain." Steve looked at me and I felt guilty.

I shook my head and patted his shoulder. "Never again." I whispered.

I finally convinced Evie and Steve to stay with us at our place. It was afer that way anyway. We're stronger in numbers and if we want to get through this rumble, he had to stick together. We're family, maybe not by blood, but our bond is stronger than others related by blood. That's fact. When one falls, there's going to be open arms waiting for them, to catch them,  to save them. When Johnny got jumped, our senses kicled in because we felt it,  we knew one of our gang members were hurting and were in pain. Physically and emotionally. At first, I thoughy it was Ponyboy. But when it was Johnny, I sighed. I felt very little relief wash over me. But I felt sorry for Johnnycake.

We arrived home and it wasn't late, but everyone was sleeping. Macy at the table, barely awake and when we walked in, she jumped up.

"Soda?" She asked. I smiled and hugged her.  Macy's eyes were red and puffy, she had to be crying. Ponyboy finally woke up because his now sleeping form showed us that he was crying. Why were they sleeping? Why have Ponyboy and Macy been crying? Everyone was sitting on the couch or laying on the floor, asleep.

"What the heck?" Steve yelled on purpose. Everyone was here, I think. Macy was in my arms, Ponyboy on the couch beside Two-Bit and Cherry. Dally was on the floor. Steve and Evie stood beside me. Where was Darry?

Ponyboy shifted and his ehes fluttered open. At first he freaked out at the sight of us. He relaxed and his breathing calmed. "Pony, what's the matter?" I asked. His eyes were full of fear and horror.

"Death. I saw Death." He mumbled. He cried quietly and Macy lookes at me. She was mad and angery. I let go of her and stepped back to get a better look of the scene. Two-Bit suddenlt woke up,  he had a beer in his hand and his eyes squinted.

"Oh no." He mumbled. Two-Bit lookes at Steve and I. Steve shook Dally and the others awake. They all looked scared.  But why?

"The Socs... they have a friend... his name is Death." Dally sat up. I looked arou d the room franrically. "Who is Death and where is Darry?" I asked aloud.

"Darry is in the back room, he was bitten by Death." Ponyboy mumbled. At first, I thought they were joking. I smiled and shook my head. "Stop playing around guys." I laughed. Macy shook her head.

"No, Soda. Death... is Bob's pitbull. He attacked Darry. Amd Darry is in his room." Macy whispered. I then suddenly realized that the Socs were taking this too far and we were risking our lives. We needed friends, we needed a plan.

I walked back to Darrys room and his side was stitched up and and he had bite marks on his arm. He must've protected the gang because he was the only one hurt. Anger, a firey rage of anger suddenly made me scream and hit the hall overe and over until my fists bled.

"Rest up, tomorrow night... we end this retarded rumble." I grunted. Dally gave me a surprised look. He knes bot to mess with me, I could kill anyone right now if they bothered me. He knew. They all did.

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