You Know I'm No Good

Start from the beginning

My eyes lite up. She thought they didn't care. I quickly closed the door and stepped out into the hallway. Zayn's eyes were still anticipating the response I had yet to give him.

I peered deeply into his eyes. The light shone brightly off them like a the sun's glare on a window. I had to bring myself away from his stare. His fingers matched those of the clueless girl sitting on the couch. Could they possibly have the same feeling about this? Perhaps.

"Kate...." he lingered his words. "It's been months. I told you I didn't care if it isn't mine. I just want to be with you and that child." He sighed heavily and his voice shook. He turned away and wiped his face free of tears. But it was no use; They fell like a hail storm in the middle of the day.

"Zayn." I breathed in a gulp of air. "Zayn, I...."

"No Kate." He cut me off abruptly. "Let me finish." He words were quivering like his mouth. "I love you, dammit. I want to be with you. How many times do I have to say it?" He pounded his fists on the wall and buried his head between them. I began to shake from the alarm of his anger. I had never seen Zayn act like this. With such anger; frustration;hurt.

"I had everything. I was in one of the fastest rising groups. One Direction was going places. I was going to be known world wide and loved by millions of girls. I mean, what guy wouldn't want that? I got to sing. You know how much I love to sing, Kate." He began pacing.

"Then I got four other lads who loved to sing as much as I do, who wanted it as much as I do. Liam taught me how to dance. I would've never made it this far without him." He laughed painfully. "Those guys helped me be myself. They accepted me for who I was no matter what." He stared intensely into my eyes. I felt me bones melt. "Do you know how long I've waited for that?" I shook my head.

"And there's you. The beautiful Kate. The only girl I've ever been in love with. The only one I've ever been in love with." He slammed one fist against the wall and leaned his body on his arm. My eyes began to welt with tears. This was the boy who I'd betrayed. Now he wants me back. How do I deserve such a guy? I tell you, I don't.

He continued in a low tone. "I was always faithful to you, Kate, with all the girls that threw themselves at me. You know how hard it is to do that? Very. I'm a teenage boy for Pete's sake!" Pete.....? "But I did it because I love you. Because I only wanted you. Forever. I didn't need to sleep with any other girl to know that."

He turned to me. "Is that why you slept with Harry? Because you weren't sure if you loved me?"

I blanked. "I think it was lust." I whispered. Or the fact you're in love with both boys, perhaps?

He paced. "I wondered why." He laughed. It stung me like a bee. "Lust! That's it?"

He kept pacing back and forth. I wasn't sure what to say to better the situation. I wasn't even sure I could make a sound with my mouth. Tears are a powerful thing, espicially when you're hurting yourself and the one you love.

After what seemed like hours but was probably only minutes, he turned to face me directly. He held my arms gently and leaned in.

It'd been a long time since I'd felt Zayn's lips on mine. It felt good, right to hold him. I pulled him in closely and cupped his face in my hands. His arms found themselves around my torso in a moment after. I felt so sure in this moment I wanted him like this forever; I needed him forever. He smiled. I loved the taste of his smile. It made me feel good. Like I was needed; loved. There's nothing more powerful than love like this.

"Kate?!" Sherry's voice sounded through the halls. Zayn and I broke apart almost instantly after. Sherry was standing in the doorway with a puzzled look on her face. She was hurt and confused, almost like deja vu.

"Sherry, I can explain," I said.

"Please explain." My heart dropped. I turned around and there was the one person I dreaded seeing.

Harry. Louis was trailing after him with an anxious look on his face. Harry looked angry,er...drunk? Louis seemed to be regretting having let Harry come here. Why did he? Zayn was flaming. Harry soon mirrored him when they made eye contact. Sherry studied both boys with utter confusion. I guess I was the dumbfounded one.

This is a moment I picture happening in a movie, not in my real life.

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Sorry it took me so long to upload. I've been really busy with a bunch of crap...

So.....what do you guys think is going to go down the next chapter? I know! hehehe....

****Sorry if the next chapter isn't up soon. I have a lot to do with all this moving and stuff. Please keep reading! ****

Again, who do you think is the father? Who do you think Kate will choose? And what about that other guy she slept with...? Will he be back? Who knows!

Love you guys!


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