{20} Dealing With the Pain

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"This reminds me a lot of middle school!" I say giggling.

"Why does this remind you of middle school." (a/n: Mari didn't recognize the twins because of how much they changed physically and emotionally. They used to be reserved and quiet and now they are obviously in the host club so she doesn't think it's the same twins)

"Well because in middle school I met these really rude twins that at first were nice and we would pull pranks on each other. Then they called me brat... and it brought up some bad memories..." I say mumbling the last part but they still heard.

"What did these twins look like?" Hikaru asks me.

"Oh well they had like strawberry blonde hair I think... kinda like yours! But they had bowl cuts and a constant glare on their face." I say explaining the two twins I remembered from that day. I saw Kaoru reach into his pocket and scroll through his phone for something. He showed me a picture of the exact twins who had called me a brat that day.

"Yeah! That's them!" I yell excited that they found them somehow... "Wait.... how did you find this picture of them?" I say pointing my finger at the twins accusingly.

"Uh well... because we are those twins..." Hikaru said smiling while rubbing the back of his head.

"What...?" I say staring at them with tears brimming my eyes as I keep thinking of the twins that called me brat and brought up bad memories, were now some of my best guy friends. "I have to go." I say walking out of the room with Momo following me.

.-+present time || Mari's POV+-.

"What's wrong Mar?" Momo says as we walk down the halls.

"Hikaru, and Kaoru, and the ones that pranked me, and made me remember what Asami said to me." I say crossing my arms and glaring at the wall across from me.

"I mean... they didn't know that she was 1. even your sister, and 2. that she said stuff like that to you." Momo said shaking her head judging me.

"Mo, you remember that day right?" I ask her crossing my arms.

"Yeah." she says raising an eyebrow.

"Ya know how I went to the office." I say frowning.

"Yeah, you went to the office to get paperwork." Momo said shrugging.

"Mo, I went to get my PTSD meds from Mamoru." I say shaking my head. "It still amazes me that you believed that lie." I laugh a little.

"Oooooh... that makes much more sense" she says blushing a little.

"Yeah, I'll forgive them. I just might need some time before I do so." I say looking Momo in the eyes and smiling a little.

"All right..." Momo says walking back to the club room with me trailing behind her with a pissed off look on my face.

"Why are you doing that face." Momo says deadpanning.

"I need to make them feel bad first! Then I'll forgive them after they beg" I say with an evil smirk.

"Oh god..." Momo says laughing while face palming. "I mean, yeah it'll be entertaining but that's kinda evil." Momo says smirking and rolling her eyes at me.

"I grew up with an older brother and I've gotten addicted to pranking!" I say smiling while continuing to walk to the club room.

We reach the clubs doors as I put on a sad/mad face to trick the club. "You're an ass." Momo says chuckling at me. I stick my tongue out at her as she opens the door and covers her mouth hoping to prevent herself from choking on the flower petals again while I scoff to sound mad.

"Mari-chan! Are you okay?" Honey says running up to me with flowers around him.

"Depends. Do I look okay?" I say with a glare on my face.

"Yeah Mari-chan! You look beautiful!" he says with his pink cheeks. 'AWE HONEY THAT'S SO NICE! That's not what I meant but that is so nice!' I think to myself while pink dusts my cheeks.

"That's not what I meant Honey-senpai." I say keeping my mad face still on.

"Then what did you mean?" Honey says looking at me innocently.

"I mean do I look like I'm okay emotionally." I say rolling my eyes and walking off towards a windowsill.

.-+3rd POV+-.

'Oh dear god...' Momo thought while rubbing her temples. "She's going to give me a headache." Momo says to the hosts as the rest of us sit on couches.

"Why?" Tamaki asked while leaning forward in his seat.

"Because she's being a drama queen." Momo sighs.

"Bish! I am not!" Mari yelled while stomping her way over to the hosts.

"I mean... you kinda are~" Momo sings looking while rolling her eyes and smiling.

"I mean, sorta. But it's rude to say it out loud." Mari says shrugging.

Hey guys, sorry that the end of this chapter ended pretty fast. It's just that a couple days ago when I started this I was actually in the mood, and had a positive outlook on a lot of stuff. But recently I've been kinda out of it and it's just hard for me to do almost anything I like. I'm not losing interest in it, it's just that I'm not in the mood to do them. So I may not upload for a while. I apologize. Sorry.

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