{18} Blast from the Past (1)

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*Senpi hides behind Mamoru* "Heyyyyy, guys. I'm back. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! I've been busy with school starting soon and my brother going to the hospital and writing a new book on my joined account with HimeTachabina the account is called SenpiHime17 it isn't a 'fan' account it's my legit joined account with Hime, onto the story and again. Please don't kill me"

||Time: Monday after the ball during lunch||

||Mari's POV||

"I'm so booored!" I groan at the table with the hosts. 

"Mari, shut up, you've only said that 20 times in the last 2 minutes." Momo 'yelled' at me. 

"Moooo- will you do something with meeee," I whine looking over at her with my best puppy eyes.

"Like what?" Momo asks looking over at me. 

"Well..." I say tail the l's. 

"We are not planning another prank on Kyoya, and if so, you will be doing it without me." Momo says pointing at me while working on her homework. 

"It's not gonna be on Kyoya!" I complain.

"No pranks, at all." Momo looks at me. 

"You're no fun," I groan. She sticks her tongue out at me and teases me. 

"You piece of-!" I yell.

"Hey, shhhh, we are in the cafeteria!" Momo shushes me. 

"Don't shush me," I say going back to my lunch.

"Soooo, shortie." a certain pair of gingers say together. 

"I assume your talking to me, but considering that I'm taller than Momo, it could also be her." I say grinning while eating. I look up from my food and see Momo glaring at me.

"Awww, seeing you glare is so cute!" I say squishing my cheeks together making a 'fish' face. 

"Stop teasing me," Momo giggles.

"Then what would our relationship actually be if I didn't tease you!" I laugh.

"How about you tease Mika or Yuki." Momo sighs. 

"I can't do that, Yuki wouldn't care and Mika would only care if I embarrassed her but that's just rude!" I say smiling. 

"And you don't think teasing me is rude?" Momo asks.

"Nope!" I say popping the 'p'. 


SHORT CHAPTER I APOLOGIZE! I'm just worried about my lil' bro being in the hospital, my mom called me and said he's gonna be there after 12 am so I'm kinda freaking out. 

OC CONTEST IS STILL ON! Just message me the info on your oc and it should be in a couple of chapters. BYE BYE!

Mari Tanaka and the Ouran High School Host Club ~ OHSHCWhere stories live. Discover now