{1} Momo is 'always right'

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(A/N: This chapter uses some parts from HimeTachabina but I asked her because we text and she said it's fine if I do this I just have to put a disclaimer. Well more like I told her I would do this stuff but put a disclaimer sooo ye. ALSO THIS BOOK WILL MOSTLY BE IN MARI'S POV)

.-+ Mari's POV +-.

"I'm telling you Mari! I'm always right!" My best friend yelled at me, Momo that is. She hasn't said anything about Haruhi being her other best friend, but I have best friend instincts and I can tell that they have become closer. But never as close as Momo and I are, no one can ever get as close to Momo as I have, I won't allow it. My father owns the pineapple tech. company, as you already know, and my mom runs some make-up and fashion business which I have to model for, along with my older brother. My mother likes to bring famous people from all around the world around to our house so they can model some of her clothing, she has had some famous athletes over to model, but none that I'm very familiar with. As a unknown side affect to this, I don't fangirl about boys as much as you would think. I would fangirl, if there was actually people that I knew coming to my house that were famous. 

Momo and I have been friends since I can even remember, which is a long time. I have a great memory, it's almost photographic. (photographic memory is where you can see or hear something once and you will always remember it) My parents went to school with Momo's parents and they were all friends so they would get together and bring us along so naturally with two girls being around the same age, we just bonded. 

Momo and I met Haruhi on the first day of school here.

"Mori-senpai, don't you agree with me?" Momo yelled at Mori who just grunted as a response. 

"If Mori agree's then he is just as dumb as you!" I yell at Momo as she makes an almost exact face to what Tamaki makes when any of his 'daughters' swear or say a 'naught word'.

"How dare you?!?!?! DADDY MARI IS TURNING INTO HARUHI!" Momo yelled while running to Tamaki, I can tell she did something because when I turn to look at him he has the look of a peved father. He was about to yell at me when Haruhi stepped in.

"Come on Momo! I'm not that bad!" Haruhi said to Momo.


"Haha! You can't talk, and no hugs for you! That's KARMA!" Momo yelled making me gasp like Tamaki does. 

"DADDY MOMO IS MAKING FUN OF ME!" I screech while running to Tamaki. I run into Tamaki's 'fatherly embrace' while Momo yells "MOMMY!"

"Yeah like Kyoya would do anything! He'd just stand there, roll his eyes at all of our stupidity; and then continue writing in his Death Note!" I yell while pointing at Kyoya. He snorted and looked at me with a smirk, making me a blushing mess. I could tell by Momo's face that she was surprised that he had snorted or had shown any emotion. I watched as Momo cocked an eyebrow at him and tilted her head to the side. They made eye contact and once they did Kyoya's expression dropped and then hardened into a glare. 'I have to start a glaring war sometime soon.' I think to myself as Momo runs over to the twins. 

"TWINS!" she yells running over to them.

"PPft! The are just going to laugh at you, then flirt with you!" I say while laughing, almost falling onto the floor. I look up in time to see the twins look at each other and give each other devil grins, then look back at Momo. I could basically hear her thinking of a Harry Potter reference. I watched as they opened their arms going in to hug her while saying. 

"Momo~" in a very seductive voice, making me blush and get super jealous. I may have a boyfriend, but I still have multiple crushes, and I get jealous easily. I get up off the ground from laughing and wipe off the imaginary dust on myself and look up to see Momo running towards me, when I saw the anger in my eyes I could feel my eyes widen as I stood there ready for the impact of her body.

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