{3} "I am the prank queen!"

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(A/N: Hey guys so my family is moving sometime this year and texting HimeTachabina *I know the person IRL* but texting her helps me like um, feel less stressed? So like shout out to Hime and because of my family packing up I won't be able to upload chapter for this or for What Could Go wrong? As much as I wish I could, but today I should be fine and I'll upload as much as I can.) 

.-+Mari's POV+-.

I was texting someone (you'll find out who it is but you haven't met him just yet so this is like an in the future type of chapter?? You'll meet him next chapter) when I kept making spelling errors. ON ACCIDENT! When Momo saw my agitated face she came over to me and looked at my phone. She read through all of my spelling errors and starting laughing at me.

"S-stop making fun of me! You know I have fat fingers" (the last part was an excuse) Mari said while tearing up. I sniffle and look up at Momo. 

"But that would be too nice," Momo said, making me silently sob. Momo doesn't notice that I'm sobbing because she walks over to talk to Mori. I stay sitting on the floor, crying, and just look around the room. Eventually after a couple minutes of me silently crying, and no one noticing, I walk over to the club room doors and walk out of the room. 

I walk into the boys bathroom not thinking that anyone would be in there to see the twins playing their punishment games. I stand there for a second, they still don't notice me so I speed walk out of the boys bathroom and into the girls bathroom. When I get into the bathroom, I go into my favorite stall. (yes I have a favorite stall it's the first one, then the third one, and then the middle one. I hate the middle one) I hear someone running down the halls and assume it's Momo finally realizing that I'm missing, so I pull up my legs onto the toilet seat so I can hide. 

"Come on Mari. You know that when I make fun of you it means that I love you!" Momo says, I can hear the smile in her voice. I know it means she loves me, but hey I'm really emotional right now. (idk why, lets just say her great aunt who bought her a dog died) So anything that would normally make me feel bad, pushes me over the edge and makes me cry either a lot or more than it normally would. 

"I'm thinking of a song!" Momo says outside of my stall. She knows that my great aunt died and she knows the song that cheers me up, and she was going to sing it. 

"You know you want to sing along!" Momo said. I don't want to feel happy right now, so I send a glare that Mamoru would be proud of, at the stall door due to me not being able to see Momo. 

"I'm a barbie girl!" Momo sings, "come on you know you want to sing the rest of the words!" Momo says making me happy, but I put on an agitated face and walk out of the stall.

"Stop," I say my voice free of any emotion. 

"There yee are!" Momo said hugging me in a bear tight grip. I push past her and walk out the bathroom. 

"Leave me alone," I say still walking away. 

"Why?" Momo says tilting her head in confusion making me run back into the bathroom crying more than I was before. 

"I'm sorry! I just! Eren is being weird and he thinks that I'm cheating on him! And my great aunt died and she gave the best presents! And I don't know what to do!" I yell running up to Momo and hugging her, I don't know how long we stand there, but I'm hugging her and crying over her shoulder. I felt a hand on my head and look up to see Momo patting my head. 

"It'll be alright. It's all going to work it's way out," Momo says in a soothing tone.

"I don't know what to do!" I sob.

Mari Tanaka and the Ouran High School Host Club ~ OHSHCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt