{12} One Month After Break-up

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(dats Momo and Mari in commoner's clothing, Momo on left Mari on right, but Mari has longer hair AND GUYS YOU ARE BLESSED WITH A LONG CHAPTER)



~One month after Mari and Eren's break up~

.-+Mari's POV+-.

After Eren and I broke up news spread fast that I was single, which made all of the boys go crazy might I add. With every passing day I knew I grew happier, not to mention Momo was also super giddy with her kiss with Mori. *insert snickers (not the candy bar)* Seriously, for the first week after that she wouldn't stop giggling out of nowhere and would always turn pink when she thought of him. (A/N: the reason Mori kissed her in the first place is cuz he thought it would be romantic and he thought she looked sure cute on the roof and couldn't contain himself so ye!)

~ehhhh... time skip tooo when they walk to the club room~

Momo and I were walking to the room when I ran into her back. "Momo! What have I said about stopping randomly in front of me?" I say teasingly.

"Sorry! I just saw this poster that Tamaki put up. How did he get you in a dress?" she asked pointing at the poster.

"What?" I say looking at the poster. "I don't remember wearing that dress..." I say looking at the poster confused. "Pft, whatever come on lets go," I say with my 'I don't care' attitude. Momo walks behind me. I hear her shoes clicking on the floors due to her wearing shoes with the smallest heel possible, while I, wear converse because I don't like fancy shoes. 

We open the doors and I look over to see Momo doing the same thing she always does when I open them. She covers her mouth so she doesn't choke on another rose petal. I giggle at her and walk into the room. I see Honey running over in our direction but don't pay too much attention to it because I assume he's going over to Momo. That is, before I trip over him.

"Sorry Honey!" I say scared he might start crying. 

"It's okay Mar-chan! I was just looking at your shoes!" he says looking at them like they are the coolest things ever. 

"Um, Honey... they're just converse. Nothing fancy." I say laughing. He slips the high top off of my foot without me realizing and looks at it closer. "Honey, seriously, they are just a basic black high top." I say giggling even more. The twins notice my giggling and come over to see what the big deal is. They stop when they see me giggling on the floor, my hair falling out of it's loose braid and sprawled out accross the floor. 

"Honey can I have my shoe back please..." I say while my giggles start to stop. He hands me back my shoe while still giggling, and runs back over to where the rests of the hosts are gathered. (while typing hosts I typed hots and I died of laughter) 

"So Ri..." Hikaru starts saying the nick-name the twins gave me, "... did you see the boss's poster?" Kaoru finishes. 

"Oh you mean the one where I'm wearing a photo shopped dress? Yeah I saw it, big deal. And might I say that is some great photo shopping skills, if I do say so myself." I say while standing up after tying my shoe and dusting my skirt off. The twins look at each other mischievously before I flick them on the heads.

"What ever your thinking... stop..." I say while walking to the table the hosts are gathered around.

"Okay, since everyone is here I would like for us to discuss our plans for the fall ball." Kyoya states look around the table to all of us. I raise my hand to be the polite lady I am, he see's my hand and sighs. "What is it Mari?" he asks pinching the bridge of his nose.

Mari Tanaka and the Ouran High School Host Club ~ OHSHCKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat