{16} Middle School ♥︎ Part One

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(those are the middle school uniforms okay so there was a story of them in Fourth Year Elementary and now they are First Year Middle School (6th grade) so ye)

.-+Mari's POV+-.

I put on my brand new uniform, for the middle school. I jump around the house in excitement and get yelled at a couple of times to stop jumping by Mamoru, my parents weren't paying attention to me, they were too excited about Ai going into fifth year elementary. 

"I'm going to get to see my friends at school and in their new uniforms! I can't wait to see all the people from last year!" I squeal shaking Mamoru by his shoulders. (he's going through his emo faze hehe) 

"Don't touch me and leave me alone Mari," he said pushing me off of him and grabbing a bagel. 

"Oh you love me! Stop acting like that!" I giggle, "if you act like this in front my friends they might never develop a crush on you!" I saw sickeningly sweet. 

"You suck" he said as he walked to the limo. I grabbed a piece of toast with some honey on it and walked to the limo. We ate in the limo on our way there, by the time we had gotten there Mamoru was tired again due to barely sleeping and not having much to eat. 

"It's your fault for not taking care of yourself," I state pointing at him as we exit the limo, "also get your hair out of your eye, you look disgusting," I say pushing up his hair and putting gel in his hair so it stays up. I instantly regret doing so due to all the girls that rush over to my brother and start to flirt with him. "Nasty..." I mutter not paying attention to my surroundings. "Why would girls want to flirt with him..." I say rolling my eyes. 

"Ow!" I saw rubbing my head as I look at who I ran into. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I say helping the neko with her books. When we stand up I put my hand out for her to shake, "I'm Mari, nice to meet you!" I say smiling at her. She looks at my hand and walks away without looking back at me. 'Rude' I think while walking over to Momo. 

"MIKA!" I yell laughing myself at her and squeezing her into a hug.

"Still don't like hugs," she says tensing. 

"And I still don't care," I say bluntly. 

"Well, what happened to your happy go lucky attitude?" Momo sassed.

"I've been living with Mr. Emo all summer," I say pointing over at an uncomfortable looking Mamoru. Momo laughs and we decide to hang out in our classroom, so we start walking that way. While we walk to the classroom we talk about what we did all summer. 

"Well, I had like 4 movie marathons in one month," Mika says shrugging while Momo and I giggle at her obsession of movies. This is when I decide to act offended.

"Ugh, rude! You didn't invite us!" I say acting like a total bitch. She turns around and looks at me like 'the-f*ck-you-doing'? I started laughing really hard because of the look she gave me. "I'm kidding, but seriously you should totally invite us to a movie marathon!" I say as we enter the classroom. 

We notice that all the desks but three are available. 'Huh, so the twins decided to come in here and so did that girl from earlier,' I think walking over to a random desk which just happened to be near where the twins were sitting. 

Mika, Momo, and I (I just realized how many M names there are now...) sat down near each other and chatted 'quietly'. After a couple of minutes of us cracking a few laughs we heard someone scoff. I look back at the girl from earlier and send her a questioning look. She points at the twins and I turn my attention to them and see them glaring at us. 

"You have a problem?" I ask them.

"Yeah, it's called you." they shoot back.

"Haha! I'm sorry, not really" I say the first part nice then the last I saw with sass. They scoff again and look at a book. I sneak up behind them and started looking at what they were looking at. It was a prank book. I smile while studying the book, I accidentally let out a giggle at one of the pranks which draws the attention of the twins onto me. 

Mari Tanaka and the Ouran High School Host Club ~ OHSHCМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя