Chapter Ninety Four- Confrontations

Start from the beginning

"If you're not ready with an expelliarmus, dodge. I'm sure you'll remember it next time." Wiglaf smiled as he reached down to offer Lazarus hand helping him back to his feet.
"I trained every single day for this!" Lazarus enthused pointing his finger in Wiglaf's face with a smirk, "One day, I'll beat you my friend. I know it."
I laughed, "You have a long way to go before you can defeat a senior."
Lazarus turned his smirk upon me and scoffed.
"Go on, have a laugh while you can." he grinned. "Now I make an oath. One day, I will be the strongest wizard ever. Stronger than Dumbledore, stronger than you Wiglaf," Lazarus smirked again pointing a finger towards Wiglaf. "And then I will marry you Grisha."
"Oh God here we go again," I dropped my head in my hand. Lazarus always made these jokes and comments... it was getting to the point were I really did wonder if he was joking or not...

"I will marry you and we will have some beautiful babies. I'll find the lost cup of my house, I'll get back the ancient castle of Helga Hufflepuff and we'll live happily ever after! What do you think?"

I stood shell shocked for a moment... was he joking? Wait he had to be joking right!?

"Enough with this nonsense," Wiglaf sighed as he fastened his lace.

"Come on, this will probably be my last reunion here in Hogwarts. We have many things to discuss."

I breathed a small sigh of thanks that Wiglaf had diffused the awkward situation between myself and Lazarus but my relief was short lived as Lazarus had seemed to ignore Wiglaf completely.
"Come on Grisha, say something."

I groaned, fine I would play along with his little game what harm could it really do? It was either that or awkwardly reject him... and I didn't want to hurt his feelings!
"Alright, let's make a deal. If you really become a great wizard as you say, you will be strong enough to beat Tom." I grinned, I knew how to push Lazarus's buttons and Tom was certainly always a sure bet... that and there was little hope that Lazarus would ever be able to defeat Tom.

"Tom?" He rose he eyebrow at me.
"Yes, exactly." I replied smugly.

"If you defeat Tom then maybe I will consider your proposal," I chuckled to myself at how unlikely this all was.

"Tom?" Lazarus repeated but this time his voice had lost its playful tone.
"Don't make me laugh Grisha." He paused for a moment before throwing his hands into the air,
"Alright, alright, alright. Everyone at school knows that you have a crush on Tom."

I froze... is that what everyone thought? But I... I didn't have a crush... not a 'crush' I... it was more than a crush... I was a crush... I... I cared about him... I believed in him that was all... I was not thirteen anymore.

"But so what? He may be a bookworm but, but no he's not even remotely as strong as Wiglaf."
He gestured towards Wiglaf who inclined his head to the conversation with a weary expression.

"Oh really?" I asked suddenly finding myself becoming defensive.

"So you think you can beat him now?" I asked... not what was I doing! I was knew that I was coaxing a disaster, Lazarus loved a challenge no matter how stupid it was.

"Me? No." he admitted. "Not now. Alright he's a seventh year student so I think-"
"Stop! That's enough." Wiglaf intervened interrupting Lazarus.

"You look like kids fighting over chocolate frogs!" He snapped, brushing threw the middle of the two of us and towards the small desk at the end of the room.

"Wiglaf we..." I began knowing that he was right, that I had risen to Lazarus bait.

"We're just joking," Lazarus continued.
"Joking?" Wiglaf quickly countered, "Joking..." he dropped his head with a sigh.

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