Chapter Thirty Two- Special Award for Services to the School

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"Grisha!" Lazarus called to me from across the Great Hall, I frowned and walked over to him.
"Have you seen all of those people who came into the school this morning?" he said earnestly, I shook my head with a frown. 
"I saw Wiglaf on my way to the Great Hall he reckons its the Ministry. Look over here," he nudged his head in the direction of my own house table were Rebeaus Hagrid was sat alone, tears streaked down his large cheeks, I felt a pang of pity in my chest. 
"You think they have come to arrest him?" I whispered. 
"I don't know what they are going to do but it can't be good I mean... he is being accused of felony murder..."
"You don't think they will..." I trailed off as I looked towards the top table where two smartly dressed men walked across to Headmaster Dippet who was sat in his usual spot center of the table, wearing a tired and downtrodden expression. Open realising the men he nodded and stood up, the two men took this as their permission and descended the steps from the top podium and walked purposefully towards the Gryffindor table and towards my heart sank, Hagrid. Hagrid looked up at them fear in his eyes. 
"Please... I... I didn't do anyfin'... Aragog didn't kill' er!" he begged, every eye in the hall was upon him now, 
"Did they have to do this so publicly." I breathed, feeling myself yearning to do something, anything. 
"Don't fight Hagrid, don't fight," I heard Lazarus repeating to himself in a whisper beside me. 
I looked back towards the top table Dumbledore now stood there looking as if he wanted to intervene just as much as I did. Dippet however kept a steely expression on his face, it was then that I realised that Tom was stood beside the Headmaster he had a blank cold expression on his face as he watched the events unfold before him, his hands resting casually in his trouser pockets. Eventually the two men who I now realised must have been Ministry officials had taken Hagrid by the arms and guided him out of the hall, taking him through the side door staff entrance, followed by Dumbledore, Headmaster Dippet and Tom. Once they had left the Hall the silence was punctured by fevered conversations all over the hall, I looked towards the Ravenclaw table and scanned it quickly. There Wiglaf was sat staring at the door they had vanished through, the vein at his temple protruding in frustration. Without thinking I ran from the Hall Lazarus shouting after me but I didn't look back, I skirted through the corridors and up staircases until I reached the golden statue of the Gargoyle on the third floor. I silently celebrated as I saw their shadows coming down the corridor, I had managed to beat them here. 
"Occultatum," I whispered tapping myself on the head with my wand, a warm tingling sensation wafted over my body I looked down to see that it had vanished, satisfied with my charm work I cast the silencing charm upon myself and stood in waiting. 
The Ministry officials led the way, Hagrid squashed between them still sobbing while Headmaster Dippet, Dumbledore and Tom followed. 
They paused in front of the Gargoyle mere inches away from me, concealed by my charms, Headmaster Dippet stood forward, 
"Magnitudo," he croaked, his voice grave and serious, the Gargoyle lept aside instantly upon command of its password and the Ministry Officials, Hagrid, Dippet and Dumbledore all ascended the spiral staircase followed closely by Tom. Seizing my opportunity I jumped onto the bottom stair behind Tom as the Gargoyle slid shut behind us, I breathed in trying to stay perfectly still so that I did not accidentally brush upon Tom's back. I was so close to him that my nose was almost touching his robes, I could smell his strong sent filling my senses. Suddenly my stomach looped as Tom's head flinched to his left, I held my breath and closed my eyes as we continued to climb the staircase until we came to a halt before the large wooden entrance to the Headmasters office. The door swung open almost instantly as its guests piled in through its open threshold, again staying as close to the group as I could I slid through the door before it was closed behind everyone by Dumbledore. I moved towards the back of the room now finely being able to place some distance between myself and the others, I did not know how long my charms would last but I hopped it would be long enough. 
The Ministry officials sat Hagrid down in the chair opposite the Headmasters desk (well they tried) one of the arm rests cracked and broke off under the pressure of Hagrid's sheer size falling to the wooden floor with a clatter. 
"Sorry," Hagrid muttered, Dumbledore patted Hagrid on the back reassuringly, causing Tom to flash Dumbledore a loathed look.
"Rubeaus Hagrid," one of the Ministry officials croaked, "you have been accused of enabling a dangerous creature in causing the death of a Miss Myrtle Warren, a fellow third year student."
Hagrid sniffed and opened his mouth to speak but the official raised a wrinkled hand and gestured for Tom to join him behind the Headmasters desk to which he swiftly obliged. 
"Mr. Tom Marvolo Riddle." Tom nodded, "You are here as the person who has captured this culprit, would you care to explain the happenings of that night for the documentation." he continued, he gestured to a quick quotes quill which was busily scratching away at a floating piece of parchment. 
"I had, had to speak to Hagrid on multiple occasions about his breaking of the school rules in relation to creatures that he would bring into the castle to keep as pets as had of course many of my fellow Prefects and the Hogwarts staff. Upon hearing the dreadful news of Myrtles death, I knew that I had to check his usual hiding places for these creatures just in case and nevertheless this is where I discovered Hagrid with the creature, the Acromantula." Riddle spoke the words with ease, each syllable rolling off his tongue like melted butter. 
"Do you Rebeaus Hagrid admit to the keeping of this creature in the school grounds at the time of Myrtle Warren's death?"
Hagrid looked terrified, his eyes were wide and brimming with fresh tears, 
"I yes I do but I..." 
"And you understood of course the rating placed upon these creatures and the danger that they pose to life." the official added. I bit my lip I could see that this was only going one way and it was not Hagrid's. 
"May I ask where this creature is now?" the man asked sternly. 
"Alas Sir the monster escaped from the school grounds." Tom said gravely and the man nodded. 
"Headmaster Dippet, do you believe the death of Miss Warren to be the result of this creature kept within the school by your student." 
Headmaster Dippet squirmed under the official's stern gaze. 
"Yes... Yes I do," he stuttered, the man nodded slowly. 
"Rebeaus Hagrid, your actions have endangered the future of this sacred school and has resulted in the death of a fellow student you will face punishment for your actions as follows," 
Hagrid looked around his face panicked. I clenched my fists, closing my eyes dreading what I was about to hear. 
"Expulsion from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," 
"No, no, no" Hagrid muttered to himself as if trying to convince himself this was not happening. 
"And-" the official said over Hagrid's mumbling, "the eradication of your wand." 
I gasped my hand over my mouth. 
"No!" Hagrid wailed. 
"Silence. You are forbidden to practice magic from this day forth, you will hand over your wand to us now." he instructed holding his hand out to Hagrid. 
"Please... I didn't... Aragog didn't..." he looked up at Dumbledore, Dumbledore gaze himban encouraging nod and sqeezed his large shoulder. Shaking Hagrid put his large hand into his robe pocket and retrieved his long ebony wand, sobbing he handed it over to the law enforcement official. 
"On this day the 15th June 1943 I destroy the wand of Mr. Rubeaus Hagrid. Oak, sixteen inches with unicorn hair core," Hagrid's loud sobs and pleads echoed around the room. 
Suddenly there was a sickening crack as the wand was snapped in two, causing Hagrid to emit an even louder wail. 

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