Chapter Nine- I know who she was

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Chapter Eight
The Easter spring half-term had come around swiftly and many students were going home to celebrate, including Wiglaf and Lazarus. Me and Tom however were once again choosing to stay at Hogwarts, there were more students than usual making the same decision though for a very different reason to us, many of the fifth and seventh years were using the free time to live in the library studying for the quickly upcoming OWL and NEWT examinations the following month. 

It was on one of the particularly warm spring days that I chose to take advantage and had taken my studying to the edge of the forbidden forest next to the black lake, a slight breeze blew through the trees overhead and through my hair which I had left sitting naturally down my back. I had left my uniform up in Gryffindor tower and had opted for cooler attire, my favourite dress, periwinkle blue with small white flowers which sat off of my shoulders and draped down lower in the back reaching just short of my ankles, I had paired it with tan sandals but I had chosen to take these off as I leaned against a large tree, feeling the grass in my toes. I was at peace, but yet I still felt a tinge of restlessness, something was afoot at Hogwarts I just knew it but I couldn't come to a conclusion as to what it was... my thoughts continued to go back to 'The Grim'. 

Just then a ripple in the water caught my eye; I followed its path expecting to see a bird, a fish or some other wildlife enjoying the cool waters, but no instead stood at the edge of the lake stood a tall, slender figure wearing a pair of black pants and a white shirt that was half untucked, their head bowed, occasionally throwing stones, seeming to enjoy the disturbance of the peaceful waters. I squinted, to better see the person, I had not realised them before. I let out a little puff of breath as I recognised Tom's profile.
"Tom." I called out, he inclined his head in my direction, an initial look of surprise on his face. I waved at him enthusiastically, yet to my confusion instead of coming to join me, he turned his head away and began to walk in the opposite direction. I frowned and called out sarcastically to him,
"Hey! Good afternoon to you to Tom, lovely to see you to,". He had stopped walking now but instead of turning around, he stood frozen to the spot.
"I did not expect to find company down here," his voice sounded horse, I began to feel a little concerned by his odd behaviour, even I had to admit that Tom could be a little unorthodox but this was unusual even for him. I got myself to my feet and walked over towards him until there was only a foot between us, yet he still did not turn around.
"Sorry to disappoint you," I joked, trying my best to lighten the mood and to be mistaken that something was wrong, for Tom to have been merely teasing this whole time. Tom turned around slowly, but not to fully face me, only half way so that he was now facing the black lake, me at his side, he appeared not to want to make eye contact.
"What's wrong?" I asked hesitantly, Tom's jaw clenched and he turned sharply, walking further into the forest, kicking at some twigs as he went. I followed him curiously, 
"Tom," I said again, he stopped walking but once again did not turn to face me.
"Look at me," I whispered, closing the gap between us. He turned around slowly yet he still avoided eye contact, choosing to look anywhere else but at me.
"Tell me what's happened," I kept my voice as a whisper, something was very wrong and I did not yet know how things would go, of course with hindsight one could recognise the building  calm before the storm.
"I know who she is... was," He spat through gritted teeth, I frowned confused,
"I don't understand, who, who is?" I asked tentatively,
"My mother," Tom said those words with such contempt that I felt my chest contract.
I did not say anything but stood waiting, Tom walked over to a nearby tree, looking at it intently.
"She was a witch; she was a Gaunt, the decedent family line of Slytherin," his voice remained calm but had a strangely eerie tone, that sent shivers up my spine.
"Well that's good isn't it?" I asked, trying to understand how Tom felt this new found information.
"Is it?" He asked quietly, turning his head towards me for the first time, his eyes wore deep dark rings around them.
"She is dead," He continued,
"Yes," I replied weakly, a pitiful reply but I did not know what else to say; Tom had never spoken about his family before.
"She died. A disgrace to all wizard kind, my mother. She needn't have died like a filthy muggle and yet she chose to, so weak." His voice faltered a little, his jaw becoming tighter. His voice broke, as he shouted "She had a choice and she chose to leave me to rot in that muggle hell," I unconsciously stepped back, I had never heard Tom lose control like this, I felt his pain, his deep rooted feelings of betrayal, his lasting bitterness hit me all at once, it was dark, all consuming. Tom pulled back his fist and plunged it into the bark of the tree with a tremendous force, I winced as magic exploded uncontrollably from him snapping the tree in two, birds scattered away quickly as the wind and dirt hit my face, I held my hand up to protect my eyes until the dust had settled. Squinting through the debris, I saw Tom knelt by the tree his chest heaving. I walked towards him slowly and knelt myself down in front of him.
"Tom," I whispered, "I don't know what happened at the orphanage, but I know it mustn't have been a pleasant childhood. I understand that your mother being a witch is making you question what her choices would have been, but you can't be certain it was her choice. You don't truly know the circumstances that led to her death,"
Tom kept his head bowed,
"We don't know who your father is or where your father is but we do have a magical name now. Gaunt, surely you have some living relatives, perhaps they can provide you the answers you desperately crave and deserve. But this," I reached a shaking hand and took Tom's blooded fist in my own gently, I felt him tense under my touch again, followed by an attempt to pull away but I held it firmly.
"This isn't healthy, it isn't the answer. You are the Heir of Salazar Slytherin you are better than this, you can find them, I can help you find them," I said strongly, hoping that Tom did not take offence to my words. When he said nothing, I reached into the pocket of my dress with my free hand and withdrew my wand. I pointed it at Tom's fist and the cuts and bruises melted away. Tom seemed to regain himself as he stood abruptly leaving me knelt alone upon the forest floor, he seemed stern. I knew what it was that he was thinking,
"I am not going to say anything," I said, bringing myself to my feet once more. I felt the distrust in his eyes and I hastened to convince him of my loyalty, "It is no one's business. There is no one here but us, you can trust me Tom," I wanted him to trust me, I wanted him to know that I was loyal to him not because I feared him or admired him but because I cared for him,
His gaze lingered on me; I let him enter my mind just long enough to see that I was telling the truth. He withdrew himself from my mind.
"How do you think you can help locate the Gaunts?" He asked, his voice had now returned to its usual steady tone.
"My Father," I replied bluntly, Tom looked at me an eyebrow raised, he seemed to look me up and down an expression on his face which I had never saw before, it was as if he was fighting an internal battle. Neither of us had ever really discussed our families with one another until this day, in fact I don't think we had discussed our families with anyone up until this day.

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