Chapter Forty Two- Unusual festivities.

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The icy November winds stung at my skin as I walked across the courtyard, Lazarus by my side on your second patrol together. 
"I'm wearing all black today to mourn the death of my motivation," he hissed sulkily as he wrapped his thick black winter cloak tighter around himself, I laughed. 

"What do suppose this big anticipated Prefects meeting is going to be about then?" he asked me, I shrugged my shoulders I honestly hadn't given it much thought, my thoughts had been more focused upon my conversation with Tom at Halloween we had not discussed what had been said with one another since we just kind of carried on as if it never happened. 
"I suppose it could be to do with the Christmas celebrations that will be coming up," I suggested. 
"I suppose so, what do you think they will be planning? A party? Secret gift giving?" he kicked a stone playfully across the stone floor as we walked.
"Probably something like that." I replied casually. 
Suddenly there was a burst of laughter and a loud bang which came from the adjacent corridor myself and Lazarus looked at each other before skirting around the corner and down said corridor to find two older male Gryffindor students hexing a first year Ravenclaw boy causing him to be hoisted up into the air by the back of his pants. 
"Well aren't you two living up to your house name, so brave." Lazarus called out causing them to turn around quickly their sudden lack of concentration causing the poor boy to fall to the ground with a painful crunch. 
"You know you never look good trying to make someone else look bad." I added, the two boys faces grew redder and redder by the second. "Twenty points from our own house. You're an embarrassment lets hope myself and the rest of your fellow Gryffindors can make up for your lack of honor and dignity."  I snapped. Their mouths twitched as if they were preparing to defend themselves but decided it was better for them to keep quiet and instead left the scene hastily. 
"Are you okay?" Lazarus asked extending a hand to the boy who was still sat upon the floor. 
"Erm yes thanks.." he murmured taking Lazarus's hand and using it as a support to get back onto his feet. 
"Hey don't take it personally," I smiled seeing his defeated expression. "Nothing other people do is because of you its because of themselves." the young boy gave me a weak smile and a nod before thanking us again and walking off down the corridor I looked after him with a sorrowful expression.  
"He'll be alright," Lazarus said to me bringing me out of my trance. 
"What? Oh yes.. I know I just hate to see someone's pride knocked like that." I replied, I knew all to well what that was like... my mind flashed back to memories of my first days at Hogwarts. 

"Oh its that McLaggen girl wasn't her family recently in the papers after her own Father was put on trail for her Mothers death." Walburga called after me as I tried to make my way unnoticed down the corridor. 
"Yes it is! Keep your distance from her she is probably going to turn out to be psychopath like her Father." another girl added. 

Of course the novelty wore off in a couple of weeks when the papers had realised that my Father was in fact innocent. 
"Hey are you okay?" Lazarus asked placing a hand upon my shoulder causing me to return my thoughts to the present. 
"Oh yeah I'm fine, I was just daydreaming." I smiled back at him reassuringly. 

The following day myself and Lazarus walked into Slughorn's large second office where he usually held his Slugclub meetings but where he had now offered it as a place to meet for the Head boy and girl and their Prefects, although I smiled as I imagined that his true reasoning's for doing so where less to be helpful and more to have the chance to earwig and overhear what was being discussed. 
We appeared to be the last remaining Prefects to arrive as they all were already seating around around the large dark oak wood table accompanied by the Head Boy, Rosier and the Head Girl, Fodder, my eyes landed on Tom and Wiglaf, Wiglaf was sat on the left of Fodder while Tom was sat upon the right of Rosier. I made my way over to one of the two remaining seats as did Lazarus, I hesitated as I realised that my seat was almost directly opposite Tom who was staring at me with an unreadable expression. 
"Nice of you to join us McLaggen, Smith." Rosier smirked nodding at us both in turn, I resisted the urge to say something sarcastic and instead settled with giving him a wide toothy grin. 
"Now as I am sure you have all realised the festive season will soon be upon us," he beamed, Phoebe I noticed looked less enthused and instead was staring blankly ahead at a stop on the wall behind my head. 
"And as such we have developed a plan to celebrate such festivities," his smug tone made me feel uneasy I looked across to Tom who also had a leering expression upon his face I had the sneaking suspicions that Tom already knew exactly what these plans were and if he looked as satisfied as he did about them then I could most defiantly assume it wasn't a Christmas dance or carol singing service... 
"We will be initiating the very first Maze house competition here at Hogwarts." he said proudly, the rest of the Prefects however looked around the room in confusion wondering if it was just them that did not understand what it was that Rosier was introducing. I met eyes with Wiglaf who was trying to catch the attention of Phoebe beside him but who was still staring blankly ahead.
"Now judging by the vacant expressions on all of your faces I will elaborate and then ask if anyone has any questions." He smiled taking out his wand and flicking it in the air causing a ghostly image of large misty maze materialise hovering over the center of the table. 
"The maze will present the chance for anyone who is willing to participate to gain extra house points for their respective houses, these points shall be rewarded for the completion of the maze.. now of course their will be certain surprises in store along the way to keep things interesting and to ensure that completing the maze is no easy task." he finished I looked at him eyes wide, my mouth hanging upon... 
"Wait..." Lazarus piped up across the other side of the table. "This is for Christmas isn't it? I feel as if you have got the wrong holiday Halloween was just over a week ago now." 
Rosier chuckled darkly he opened his mouth to reply but was intersected by Tom, 
"I myself find it quiet an inspired idea a  deviation from the usual over done traditions." He smiled, causing a few of the Prefects to nod in agreement nervously yet their faces of shock betrayed their apparent enthusiasm for the project. 
"Christmas parties and gift giving are traditional for a reason, they work everyone likes them I don't see the need in trying fix something that isn't broken." Lazarus continued defensively. 
"Change should not be feared but embraced Lazarus besides I feel that a chance to prove yourself while earning Hufflepuff house points would greatly interest you considering Hufflepuff are in current last place in the running for the House cup." Tom replied jeeringly, causing a few of the people around the table to snicker yet the Hufflepuff's among us were fixing Tom with a bitter stare at having been reminded that they were falling behind yet again in the fight for the House cup. 
"What kind of surprises are people to expect?" Wiglaf asked tapping one of his fingers absently a top the table. 
"Now that would spoil the fun Wiglaf my friend only myself and Miss Fodder will know the full details of the maze as we will be the only ones unable to participate for obvious reasons." Rosier smiled yet Phoebe looked incredibly uncomfortable as she sat in silence, I was almost becoming frustrated by her ignorance to what was being discussed she hadn't once yet given her opinion on the supposed 'festive' maze. 

"And you're quite sure that none of the Prefects here know more about the maze than others?" Lazarus asked shooting Tom, Malfoy and Finn suspicious looks out of the corner of his eye. 
"Why yes of course do you doubt integrity?" Rosier smirked at Lazarus but Lazarus did not reply. 
"Does anyone else have anything to say?" he asked twirling his quil in his hand as Tom sat beside him a blank calm expression on his face, Phoebe looked was looking down at her hands her jaw clenched shut. 
"I do." I said raising my voice so that it carried clearly over the table. 
"Ah Miss McLaggen of course the lioness has something to say, please do share your thoughts." he smiled at me it was the kind of smile which made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as his eyes roamed over me. 
"I do not think a maze is particularly festive." I said trying to push past his uncomfortable gaze and retain eye contact with him. 
"Would it please you if we decorate it with some tinsel perhaps... maybe even some mistletoe..." he smirked again and winked at me, I caught Tom's eye flash darkly as he looked at Rosier I wondered what he had said to anger him. 
"Has this been approved by the staff and governors?" Florian asked tentatively. 
"Why of course," replied Rosier. "Tom here supported me with that," he gestured to Tom with a knowing smile. 
"Professor Slughorn thought it would be a very character building event." Tom smiled. 

I'm sure it will be I thought to myself.

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