
At last we arrived at Seattle international airport. The aircraft landed on an empty runway. We exited outside of our aircraft and ment a regular Omnic citizens (the good/friendly ones) dressed in chauffeur outfit. It was waiting in front of a Black Rolls Royce Ghost that had a white leather interior.

 It was waiting in front of a Black Rolls Royce Ghost that had a white leather interior

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Chauffeur Omnic: "(Y/N) and Hana?"

Hana: "That's us."

Chauffeur Omnic: "Pleasure to meet you both. I shall be your Chauffeur for today." He opened the rear suicide doors.

Hana stepped in first but before I did I notice the second aircraft that had our equipment aboard it had already landed. It was being unloaded right now and into armored trucks with tons of security around it, armored jeeps surrounding the trucks and helicopters surveying the area. Of course for something like my Mjolnir Armor and Hana's mech, they got to be treated like transporting nuclear weapons. They are high end military hardware that have costed millions to research and develop, have saved millions of lives, became great inspiring icons to look up to and have sparked fear into the hearts of our enemies that dare to be faced to faced with one. To be honest without these magnificent piece of technology me and Hana wouldn't be such big icons to the world and Korea.

"You make sure my and Hana's equipment make it there in one peace." I say to myself.

I hop in the Rolls Royce and the Chauffeur Omnic closed the door behind me, it then grabbed our bags and putted them into the truck at the back and headed to the driver seat. The Chauffeur Omnic then drove the Rolls Royce out of the airport and towards our hotel.

It was a nice sunny day today which made the skyscraper shine, made the flowers blossom and brought the citizens living here out onto the streets. When we got into the hotel, the Omnic drove into the drive way and a hotel staff opened our door and started to unloaded our bags. We thank them and the Chauffeur Omnic before heading to the reception table to get checked into our room. The hotel was fancy, luxury and high end. Just the walk to the check in table showed just how luxurious and expensive this place is.

When we made it to the reception table one of the hotel staff at the counter instantly recognized us.

Hotel Staff: "You must be (Y/N) and Hana?"

Hana: "That's us." She put on a cheerful simile.

Hotel Staff: "My kids really love your guys streams."

Me and Hana: "Thank you."

Hana: "I feel flattered." She added

Hotel Staff: "Your rooms are being cleaned at the moment. While you too wait, why don't you meet your friends in the waiting area over there." She pointed behind us.

We thanked her and walked to the waiting area where we met Casino, D.Mon, King, Overlord, Dae-hyun and my brother and sister Daniel and Jamie (Every Spartan II candidates I refer to as a sibling since there were who I grew up along side with) chatting to each other. Dae-hyun glanced over his shoulder and recognized us.

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