[Donnie x Azure - Too jealous to see]

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OC x character.


Requested by: AroraWoodmnyx

"Flashback speaking"
"Non flashback speaking"
"Speaking through phone"


~Azure's Point of View~

"Will Donnie and the others be okay?" I asked no one in particular. I was watching the four brothers having a dance off between them and some mascots inside the turtle tank. I watched as Leo danced against one of the mascots and won the battle. "Yes! Go Leo! Keep it up!"

Then a feminine mascot jumped in instead and completely wrecked Leo, making him stand still in shook. I giggled as I saw Donnie jump onto his bo staff to take over the battle, but I became completely quiet from amazement when I watched Donnie's mesmerizing moves.

"Wooowww, I knew that Donnie knows how to dance but I-" I was about to finish my sentence before I saw that the female mascot started dancing WITH Donnie. "W-W-W-What?! N-No!"

"W-Wait. Isn't that his childhood crush from the Jupiter Jim movies? Atomic Lass?" I questioned myself as I tried to remember. "Y-Yeah! I think Donnie told me about her a few times before. B-But why is he dancing with her like that!?"

I watched the two of them dance around happy as a big ball got stuck in my throat. I coughed, trying to get the feeling out of me. But I couldn't deny it.

I was jealous.

~3rd person Point of view~

"Aww what is this?" Splinter said when he got handed the box that read 'RUSS' SHORT, HAIRY & SURY CLOTHING'. Splinter opened the box to see a new brown and golden robe inside. "My sons... You honor me"

Azure stood by the brothers and watched quietly as Splinter complimented the new robe he had gotten from his sons and her. Azure glanced at Donnie, seeing him smiling like there was no tomorrow. Donnie's eyes then met Azure's as he gave her a wave, but Azure just looked away shyly.

"Now how about some training? As luck would have it, I am already wearing my jumping-jack robe!" Splinter exclaimed as Azure left the living room with the four brothers screams in the background.

Azure walked towards the exit of the lair, but before she could exit she heard Donnie calling out her name.

"AZURE! WAIT UP!" Donnie shouted after Azure as she turned to him. Donnie stopped by Azure and asked, "Hey hey, is something wrong? You acted a bit weird back there"

"N-No, nothing's wrong.." Azure said as she tugged her jacket closer to her and Azure let her hair fall in front of her face. "I-I'm just going home.."

"Are you sure? You never look away like that" Donnie said concerned placing on of his hands on Azure's shoulder brushing away her black hair from her face.

"I-I-I am fine. I promise" Azure said with a quiet tone looking away with her sad blue eyes.

"Nuhu, you only have those eyes when something's on your mind! Now tell me" Donnie said as he grabbed Azure's chin making her look at him with a slight blush. "What is wrong?"

"I-I... Okay fine" Azure said as she pushed Donnie off of her. "I g-got j-j-jealous okay?..."

"Jealous? Why would you be jealous? Of who?" Donnie asked confused. "Was it Leo? I swear it's always his fault-"

"N-No it's not Leo..." You said and looked away again, and in a tiny voice you whispered. "I actually got jealous of Atomic Lass when you danced with her..."

"What was that? I couldn't hear you" Donnie explained getting his ear closer to Azure's face. Azure turned her head to Donnie and sighed.

"I-I got jealous! When you danced with Atomic Lass before! Okay?!" Azure shouted turning around about to run away embarrassed. But she felAzure to turn ing her w"ist strongly, forcing Azure to turn around.

"Why would you be jealous?" Donnie questioned Azure. Azure had her head turned in the other diractembaressed felt hot tears forming in her eyes embarrassed.

"I-I-I-- I CAN'T TELL YOU!" Azure shouted trying her best not to cry.

"Why? Azure you know you can tell me anything" Donnie said in a soothing voice. Azure opened her mouth to say something, but that was before Donnie swung her around twirling her and putting his hands on her hips getting her closer to him. In surprise Azure looked up at Donnie to see that he had a concerned expression, but when she turned to him it turned into a smirk.

"S-Stop it. You're just playing around" Azure said looking away from Donnie.

"Hey now, you know you like it" Donnie said getting close to Azure's ear. "I know you do"

"S-Stop Donnie" Azure said before pushing Donnie off of her walking away. Azure swung her bag over her shoulders and walked out of the lair with a wave and a small smile.

"Oh she knows she has nothing to be jealous of." Donnie said to himself with a smirk as he placed on of his hands on his hip. "My eyes are only after her. I don't get why she can't see that"

"Oh hey Donnie~" Leo whistled as he swung on of his arms around his brother. "You told the girl yet?"

"Leave me alone Leo" Donnie said slapping Leo's arm away from his shoulder, walking away with rolling eyes.

"Hey nooo. Don't go in there. Dad is forcing us to do jumping-jacks with him!" Leo said in distress as Donnie froze in place. "How about we just stay here instead and talk about girlsss- I can't believe I just said that"

"I would actually rather be in there with Splinter and do training then staying here and talking to YOU about girls" Donnie said in a disgusted voice as he walked slowly towards the living room.

"nO DONNIE! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!" Leo shouted after his brother as he followed Donnie into the living room.


Word count: 944


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